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- How to configure Internet access in local network To provide access to a network the Internet on multiple computers, having only one cable provider in several ways. The set of equipment also depends on the schema you created the network.
- How to copy smileys Communication on the Internet is easy to determine how much time a person spends on numerous forums, social networks, or ICQ. Such sociable people used to Express their emotions not with words, but smiles, because now there are so many. How to copy and paste into the message right "the smile"?
- How to unsubscribe Complimentary subscription to the newsletter today is available in almost every website, regardless of the nature and type of published information. To get updates to your favorite websites and blogs in the mail via the newsletter very convenient – it saves time and allows you to stay up to date with the latest news, however, there are cases when a person wants to unsubscribe from a mailing – for example, if the site ceases to be relevant to it.
- How to create html page in Notepad Creating your own website will not seem so difficult as it seems at first glance, if you understand the basics of HTML and create the simplest webpage in an ordinary notebook, which is on each computer. It was with the creation of HTML pages in Notepad, all web programmers started to learn web development, you too can master this simple science.
- How to restore bookmarks in Mozilla It so happens that when updating the program or reinstalling the operating system selected by a user lost Internet bookmarks in your favorite browser. If this browser is Mozilla Firefox, there are a few simple methods of how to return to their usual place and again enjoy your favorite pages.
- How to share an Internet connection in a local network A huge number of users use the local network for quick and convenient access to the necessary resources, combining multiple devices into a single working group, and even many games. When it comes to the local home network or small office, users trying to access the Internet from each computer of the local network. The capabilities of modern operating systems allow you to do this quickly and simply.
- How to clear Inbox E-mail box, as usual, one can overflow, if from time to time it is not clear. Although modern e-mail services and have mechanisms for filtering spam, a certain amount of unnecessary emails still leaks. And at the time of the message turn into a virtual "stuff", which is necessary to get rid of.
- How to make the transition to another site Organize regular automatic transition of all visitors to one specific page on another website you can either server and server-side programming languages, either using HTML and JavaScript. The advantages of the second option in the ease and availability for its implementation does not require knowledge of programming, of the mandatory requirements only need access to edit the source code of the page.
- How to know the payment password on Yandex To learn a foreign payment password you no no need. And to require such information to outsiders unless for criminal purposes. But if you forgot the payment password, the system interface will allow you to restore it. This will need to tie your purse cell phone number that can be done at any time and free of charge.
- How to check website for errors If you need to check for errors in source code of pages of the site, it is best to use validators of the site at the W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium). This organization is developing Internet standards in which must match any documents placed in the network.
- How to remove ads Pop-UPS and banner ads can drive you crazy the most patient user. That is why the developers of extensions for popular browsers have created a means of dealing with Intrusive advertising.
- How to send a telegram Today, few people use the services of the once popular Telegraph, but if you suddenly needed to convey the message that exotic by modern standards, way – learn how to do it, not getting up from the computer.
- How to upload video to the Internet Today not need to call friends to visit, to show them video footage – enough to put a video on the Internet. Downloading videos, you can make it public or limit its viewing.
- How to disable unlimited Internet megaphone If you don't have unlimited Internet connected in a network "the Megaphone"you don't have to pay a daily subscription fee, your own free by disabling the service.
- How to insert a video to the forum On most forums today have support for embedding videos in a post. To make it not more complicated than share with friends any link. On the example of popular YouTube let's consider how this looks in practice.
- How to sell things online In order to establish trade via the Internet is often not require even the physical presence of this things you have on hand. Enough to know where to get cheaper - and you can already open your online store. The main thing - that the product was really rare, otherwise two or three random client coming to you once a month will not be worth the time spent on the organization of the whole enterprise.
- How to sell paintings online In recent years a large number of artists of the skeptics to slowly move into the virtual world. Yesterday they spoke negatively about the Internetas harmful habit. But today these skeptics find in the Internet the place for the sale of her paintings. For example, working artist in a small village, and the picture sells over the Internet, when in his village to sell them would be unrealistic.
- How to unsubscribe Today we subscribe to a newsletter, the weather, fashion, and tomorrow, having received a mountain of letters, cluttered email box, all in a hurry to remove. Soon to delete incoming emails annoying, sending seems to be quite useless. You really want to get rid of the annoying letters, training tapes, and how to do it - question.
- How to view your mail One of the important functions of the Internet is communication between users. To do this, nowadays there are a huge number of services and programs that allows you to read messages from users, hear and even see the other person during a conversation. However, the most common service of communication is email.
- How to save a website page Often in the Internet space, we found what I would like to preserve on your personal computer: original recipe, useful article, interesting ideas to design the website. In such moments the ability to save the web page. It is useful to know and those who are forced to save Internet traffic.
- How to create your own online store for free Currently, the online store is an integral part of a successful business. Alongside paid options, there are several ways to open an online store free.
- How to name a photo album As the ship call, so it will float. On behalf depends on the fate of the other parts of our lives, for example, photo. Virtual albums in social networks, forums, portfolios, and other resources will be popular if they come up with the correct name. The selection of this "clothes , which meet the photo album, you need to consider several criteria.
- How to create a Bulletin Board Electronic Bulletin Board – an Internet site intended for reception of ads users. The main advantage of classifieds is that a large volume of frequently updated information that helps in fast indexing of pages of online search engines and a positive impact on the promotion of a website in the SERPs, bringing to it new visitors.
- How to delete a page Vkontakte Social network "Vkontakte" is very popular in Russia and other European countries, due to ease of communication and a large number of possibilities. If you no longer want to use the site, you can at any time delete your page.
- How to make eternal night in minecraft Many experienced players know that the most dangerous time in Minecraft - night. When on the game map it's dark when you start spaunit'sâ various monsters that and strive to deprive the characters of the gamers life. However, not each of the last such scare. Moreover, many even regret the night hours pass so quickly - in just a few minutes - and they want to extend.
- How can I pay for the Internet Rostelecom Rostelecom is one of the most sought-after providers of Internet services. The company offers its customers a variety of payment methods: via terminals, via Bank cards and electronic payment system.
- How to set a page in Wordpress WordPress, despite its accessibility, is a fairly complex CMS. It is not always clear how to customize a particular page. However, once you understand the basics and functionality, you can create any desired option.
- How to lock someone else's Facebook page Most often, the need to lock own page in social network "Vkontakte" arises when either the need for it disappears, or when enemies are trying to somehow embarrass the user. To make a lock not so difficult.
- What are new ways of earning online Ads of the Internet are full of reports about easy make money online without investment and with minimal time spent. Bloggers ready to reveal all the secrets of his "an extremely profitable business for a small fee, of course. Their articles about how they earn tens and even hundreds of thousands per month, excite the imagination. But is it easy to make money online and what types of activities do make a profit?
- How to make a Facebook page popular Promotion page "Vkontakte" may need for different purposes: advertising, finding clients, communication with fans, posting the actual creativity and so on. Some tools to promote offered the site itself, while others need to find their own.