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- How to return the money to PayPal PayPal is one of the world's largest electronic payment systems. It operates in more than 200 countries. Within the system is a serious policy of protecting their customers - any person registered in PayPal, can cancel the payment and return the money to your account.
- How to change start page on Mozilla? Mozilla Firefox browser, which has earned its fame due to its safety and, above all, the flexibility of the settings. The program has a large number of parameters, with which you can set any of the display settings of resources and behavior in the opening pages of the Internet.
- As at Classmates to change your avatar By registering in one of the social networks like "Odnoklassniki", you can find old friends, classmates, add them to friends, to exchange information. But first you have to fill out a profile, and without avatars it will be incomplete and insufficiently informative.
- What to write in the interests of "Vkontakte" Almost everyone who registers on the site "Vkontakte" wants to make his page look more attractive and interesting. For these purposes, each account provides information about the user. What and how to write – everyone chooses for themselves.
- How to send pictures Vkontakte The developers of the site (now regularly introduce innovations that simplify the communication of its users. If earlier in order to share an interesting picture with friends, it was necessary to send her the link, now images can be attached to personal messages, publish as on your wall or on your friends ' walls.
- How to cancel friend request The development of numerous social networking has reached its peak. It happens so that you friends can be added completely unknown to users. To protect yourself from spam and hacking personal pages, take care of removing useless offers of friendship.
- How to make quick links Recently, the company "Yandex" introduced a new technology called "Quick links" in their own search engine. Quick links are a string of references to sections of the site that are considered fundamental or are the headers on the main page of the site.
- How to find photos in the Internet Often users are faced with the need to find a picture or photograph. Maybe you saw somewhere a picture, but forgot to save it in your computer, or you are not satisfied with the size you have pictures you would like to get it with higher resolution. There are several ways to do it.
- How to know the encoding of the site On modern web pages is mostly used encoding for Unicode. But some of the resources created long ago and since then never upgraded. Besides, even when viewing a modern website browser can detect the encoding correctly.
- How to disable incoming messages The service of receiving and sending short messages is usually available by default when you connect a mobile phone number. If you don't need it you can disable it or configure by contacting technical support.
- How to save email when you reinstall When you reinstall the operating system loses a lot of the data used by various programs. Many applications have the export function correspondence for further restoration of access after a reinstall.
- How to play rome total war on the network Often when playing Rome Total War there is a desire to play with his friends. However, for most novice gamers game on a network is difficult. Therefore, for the online battles, you must have several programs and some theoretical basis.
- How to make money on clicks Yandex.Money Earnings on the clicks, as a rule, allows you to fill your wallet in international payment systems. Earn Yandex.Money with mail servers is not easy, but there are PTC sponsors who support withdrawals using this payment system.
- How to play "IL-2 Sturmovik" network "IL-2 Sturmovik" – the famous Russian combat aircraft simulator. The game's plot touches on some of the significant battles that occurred during the great Patriotic war. The game "IL-2 Sturmovik" supports both single and multiplayer game modes.
- How to make a banner Vkontakte On the pages of social network "Vkontakte" popular ads-banners for advertising businesses, and to inform users about their group community. To make a bright, eye-catching banner will every user of "Vkontakte"using the editor Photoshop.
- How to talk on skype As a user of Skype can call each other absolutely free. If you and your partner connected webcam, you will not only hear each other, but will see. For calling phones that are not registered on Skype, you will have to pay, but often such calls are still cheaper than using conventional phone.
- How to remove the restriction on access to the Internet Employees of private companies are often faced with the restriction of network access. It is expressed in the closure of access sites that are not associated with the workflow. To relieve this restriction, you can use one of the simple options.
- How to translate a page from English to Russian Often many have to deal with the translation of certain documents and web pages from English into Russian language. If you own both, it will make it much easier. But what if you don't speak English and you have difficulties with the translation?
- How to create your website on Yandex.people Yandex.People offers a free domain name third level, storing files, and a mechanism for the creation of the website. The option of designing your own website is ideal for personal pages, combining a group of like-minded people or web representation of small companies.
- How to call a javascript function To load in the browser of visitor page work any function written in JavaScript into the HTML source code should be placed the corresponding code call. It needs to be assigned to any element on the page, and linked to some event that may occur with this item.
- How to connect to the Internet without cable The vast majority of laptop owners gladly went to use wireless Internet. But only a few know how to quickly and easily set up your own wireless access point.
- How to increase browser speed The question of increasing the speed of the download depends not only on the speed of the Internet connection, but also the speed of the browser. And not always from the average user of a personal computer browser is configured correctly. Also, the user may simply not contain your browser in order, systematically clearing the history, deleting cookies and so on. Below are the basic steps to care for a browser that will help you to increase the speed of your browser.
- How to connect home Internet Beeline Describing the benefits of the service "Home Internet"marketing company ""Beeline"" refers, first of all, free connection, no additional hardware, high speed, great rates and service"trust payment"" (credit) for the week.
- How to go to the site through a proxy Proxy servers are intermediaries in the transmission of information, they are used in that case, if you want you can use the Internet to remain anonymous. In this case the real IP address of the user is replaced by the IP address of the proxy server. Or in order to circumvent the restrictions imposed by the network administrator. For example, the administrator can block entry to certain websites, social networks (Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, etc.). In order to use the proxy server, do the following.
- How to create Cape for minecraft In Minecraft, each person will have the appearance of the skin. By default, the character acquires the features of a blue-eyed dark-haired Shakhtar Steve, but you can select other options and set them. However, many gamers dream of, not just to acquire a unique appearance, but to add one interesting detail - a Cape.
- Like on Facebook to add video on the wall Social network "Vkontakte" is the most popular in Russia. It includes the microblogging, called "the wall", which can accommodate not only text entries, but the attached document, video, photo, audio and other materials.
- How to leave a comment Vkontakte Social network "Vkontakte" allows people not only to exchange personal messages, give each other gifts, but also listen to various audio recordings, watch videos, consist of various groups. In addition, on this website, registered users can leave comments to the various entries.
- How to become a new A relatively new trend on the Internet is the format of vlogging, which is gradually gaining popularity. Using a short video can convey information that spans multiple pages of text. Many bloggers are switching to keeping video diaries instead of the usual text format.
- What signature to put in the email Create e - mail case, though simple, but important. After all, by its name and signature, the people will make the first impression. Want it to be positive? Follow the simple tips.
- What is the admin panel The admin is the control panel with administrator privileges. Using the admin the owner of the Internet resource can manage site settings, manage your registered site users to delete files and carry out any other procedures available to users.