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  • How to make ripped jeans
    Ripped jeans – fashion trend any season. They have long been in Vogue and firmly entrenched there. In any store you can buy these jeans. But the best way to look unique is to create your own ripped jeans. This not only will take you a lot of time and effort, but also allow you to save money.
  • Where is the cheapest shopping in Europe
    Girls love to pamper myself with new things. Many people spend unimaginable amounts of money to look stylish and impressive. However, in Europe there are places where the shopping can be pretty safe for your wallet.
  • When summer sales start in Moscow
    Seasonal sales – a great way to add a fashionable wardrobe at a significant discount. They started to come almost always in the middle of the season, so it makes sense to wait a bit and buy a vending thing a little later. In late June – early July summer sales start in Moscow and the real shopaholics face a dilemma: whether to wait for the maximum Sidak or buying things is still the right size.
  • How to tie a long tie
    Tie is an important accessory of men's wardrobe. The image of an elegant, handsome man is unthinkable without this part. Tie can tell about its owner much. His choice speaks not only of the wealth of the owner, but his taste, sense of humor, and even self-esteem. So the selection of tie should be treated with special care. It is important not just to choose the right tie, but it nicely to tie. There are several ways of tying knots on the tie.
  • How to measure clothing size
    In order to easily navigate among the range of clothingon offer today range of trendy shops, you must know your size. Only then will you be able to quickly select the necessary things, do not spend a lot of time on the fitting and out of the boutique with a good new things. To measure your clothing size, you will need to know the parameters of your body and relate them to the dimension table.
  • How to repair sheepskin
    Sheepskin is a good option for winter clothing. It warms even in the most severe frost and looks very nice. A good quality coat can last you more than one season, but, unfortunately, sometimes there are situations which lead to premature deterioration of the product. For example, sheepskin can break, hard to stain, break her zipper, etc. In such cases the product will need repairs.
  • How to remove sticker t-shirt
    T – shirt- clothing universal. It is quite popular, and her pleasure are not only kids and teenagers but also adults and even seniors. Now gaining popularity t-shirts with decals of different labels, often with pictures. But what to do if you don't like? Don't throw away t-shirt, it can still be of use.
  • How to dress full girls
    Whatever the figure, neither had the girl, she strives to keep up with fashion. It's just not always and not everyone can do it, especially if we are talking about full girls. Quite often, holders of magnificent forms, trying to dress fashionable and modern, unnecessarily highlight problem areas of the figure. So how to dress larger women?
  • How to dress if you have short legs
    Women with squat figure, long torso and short legs, ought to dress so as to hide the waist. Disproportion of the shapes to compensate for the skilful combinations of clothes, shoes and accessories.
  • How to shorten the bracelet on the watch
    Many of us, buying or receiving a gift of wrist watch, faced with the problem of inconsistency between hand size and diameter of the bracelet. Do not worry. This problem is easy to fix even at home. Following these instructions you will be able to reduce the standard metal bracelet for hours.
  • How to stretch shoes in length
    New shoes or boots usually seem very comfortable only in the store. After the owner of the Shoe begins to wear, it usually acquires at first a couple of blisters or rubs. But these problems can be avoided if you know how to stretch shoes. There are a few proven ways.
  • What's better: perfume, perfume or toilet water
    Arriving at the perfume shop, you have to choose not only the desired flavor, smelling bottles, and spraying the testers. Besides the smell, you also have to decide what you want: perfumes, toilet or perfumed water.
  • How to sew a white dress as Marilyn Monroe
    Half a century ago designer William Hunted came up with the style of dress for the world of pop star Marilyn Monroe. Like anything complex, but still in men, quickens the pulse, when the old footage goes up easy white skirt, and women dream to have such a dress in her wardrobe, hoping for a similar effect.
  • How to distinguish the real mink coat
    A high probability of fraud when purchasing a mink coat available on the market. Not only that, no one gives you guarantee for the product, so more can sell completely not the fur. Of course, because presently technologies are doing wonders with the naked eye almost impossible to distinguish the real from the fake fur.
  • How to return jeans black color
    With each subsequent wash to color your favorite black jeans are becoming more and more faded. But do not worry about it. At any time you can return the jeans original black color.
  • How to put jeans
    With jeans, as with any products made from cotton fabrics, this happens – they can be very stretch. What to do if you bought them quite tight, and after a few months of constant wear got something hanging on the hips and slipping from the waist? Do not despair, there are some proven ways to return the jeans to their original size.
  • How to determine the resistance spirits
    Durability is one of the main characteristics of any perfume. The first thing you should pay attention when choosing a perfume is a type of vehicle that you acquire. The classification of these products based on the ratio of alcohol, water and essential oils included in the composition. The concentration of the aromatic composition and the alcohol depends on the vitality perfumes.
  • How to fix glasses
    Because of vision problems many people simply can not do without glasses. Without them hard at home and at work. But, is it possible to fix glasses at home if they are broken?
  • How to determine the purity of a diamond
    Diamond has always been the king of precious stones. It is believed that jewelry with diamonds bring good luck to their owners. Diamond is produced from diamond by diamond cut. When buying a diamond it is very important to pay attention to its characteristics. As a rule, expert assessment of the value of stone is determined by four parameters. It's carat weight (carat weight), color (color), purity (clarity) and quality of the cut (cut).
  • How to clean yellow armpit
    Stains from sweat is easier to remove when they're fresh. Grime become resistant and to wash off yellow stains on clothing armpits harder. Lost clothing can try to recover the available methods of removing yellow.
  • How to distinguish the spirits of the original from a fake
    To choose the perfume is no easy task. It is necessary to choose a smell which you liked and you'd not annoy others. And be aware that spirits are very often counterfeited. Not to spoil your mood, it is necessary not to regret time and to find the original. There are a few simple rules, observing that everyone can do it.
  • How to sew a summer Romper without a pattern?
    Summer jumpsuit in a flowy good looks at an adult slender woman and a little girl. Sew this fashionable and practical thing, even aspiring needlewoman. A thin opaque or translucent fabric, sewing supplies, patience and accuracy, that's all you need for work.
  • How to wear stockings
    Interestingly, up until the 16th century, stockings were the privilege of men. As the upper garments worn by the kings, noble men, close to the court, as to afford to pay for this accessory could only very rich people. Bottom lingerie stockings began only in the mid 19th century. But still it remained the prerogative of the elite. And only in the 30-ies of the last century, when began mass production of nylon stockings, all the ladies of the world drew attention to such a comfortable and sexy garment.
  • How to dress effectively
    There are girls who want to look to stop on his men's opinions. Look spectacular means to stand out from the crowd, but not his outrageous or absurd views, and exquisite taste in clothes, shoes and makeup.
  • How to knit a swimsuit knitting
    The swimsuit should be both beautiful and functional. In addition, it should emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws as possible. Make your bathing suit meet all these requirements, associate it with your own hands.
  • How to wash boots
    Every thing in the house require special care, whether it be furniture, clothing or shoes. For anybody not a secret that Laundry is an integral part of everyday life, and this is not the most pleasant thing. If the shoes emit an unpleasant odor inside, you should think about its washing, pre-clearing boots from clogged dirt and pebbles.
  • How to decorate sneakers
    Is it easy to be creative when there sold by a lot of the same clothes, shoes? Despite the seemingly huge range, a closer examination shows that stand out from the crowd in these things is quite difficult. But with a few simple techniques can quickly turn even the standard sneakers in an original and memorable fancy new clothes.
  • How to determine bracelet size
    The question of determining the correct size of bracelet often excites fashionistas, as it affects how comfortable is the process of his socks. Because the bracelet is large size , you can easily lose small will cause discomfort in the process of wearing, and the trace of his hand will serve as a constant reminder that the decoration properly.
  • How to dye jeans at home
    Your favorite jeans have lost its original color, and you are already not happy about the fact that they are very comfortable and fit perfectly to your figure. To go to the dry cleaners - this will take a very long time, and is financially costly. There are several options for self-painting things denim, for example, is already an outdated method of immersion in an enamel pot of boiling dye, after which it will be very difficult to wash the dishes. Or a more progressive way, without unnecessary effort and expense. What you need to do:
  • How to choose the style man
    Men's style clothes is no less important than women's – from the image of a man depends largely on his career, personal life and level of self-esteem and self-confidence when communicating with other people. Selecting the image and choosing the most suitable clothes, the man needs to follow a number of criteria that will help you make the right choice. On these criteria we describe in our article.