In some cases it is necessary to have sex on the day of the first meeting

The transition of the first date in love it is relevant, if you need sex, you don't know what to do with accumulated energy, and how to quench the "hunger", and a new friend seems quite attractive in this regard. This rapid physiological and psychological discharge after long accumulated stress can be very useful, of course, if you properly use protection.
If you are looking for a serious relationship and start a short holiday romance or learn solely for sharing a pleasant stay in bed, this option will suit you perfectly.

Sex day Dating can be a interesting test. If the partner does not wish to get in touch, so he is looking for first and foremost entertainment, so only you will know immediately, not after a long candy-floral period.

Why you should not choose a sex day Dating

Sex after the first meeting may turn out to be a very bad idea, if you choose the wrong partner. There is a risk of Contracting sexually transmitted disease and subsequently long time to regret a hasty decision. Of course, after several months of Dating, the risk remains, but it is much lower because you will be able to better know your partner.
Unfortunately, even contraceptives do not always help to avoid trouble. This could be another problem: the more you are nervous, the less pleasure you get.

Having sex in a day, you risk to seem readily available person that easily goes to intimate relationships and of no value for serious relationship. Of course, there's a chance that it happened so quickly sex your partner are welcomed, but they are not very big.

Susceptible people are easily interested in a new relationship, is wary of such developments. Too easy sometimes to feel a special bond with the person who was in the same bed, and even fall in love with him, and soon severely disappointed. There is another risk: sometimes after sex, during a meeting to start a relationship based on passion. When the passion passes, and the sex becomes secondary, it may turn out that the partners to each other poorly, and unites them in the first place the bed. Of course, there is a chance to live after such an experience together happily ever after, however, it is understood that it may be small.