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  • How to obtain the technical passport for the apartment
    The new Federal law № 221-F3, which came into force 1.03.08, reglamentary for making all real estate transactions is a technical document to have the cadastral passport on the basis of which deals are registered in the Federal registration authority. But in a cadastral document does not refer to many object parameters, in particular the inventory cost, which is necessary in many situations, such as probate, bail, arrest etc. technical passport for the apartment is still relevant. To order this document, please contact the regional division of BTI to submit a number of documents.
  • How to find out who owns the land
    All the information about the land plot are available in many organizations. So to find out who it belongs to, is not too difficult. To obtain the information necessary to make a number of actions to request in some instances.
  • How to rent municipal premises
    According to the Federal law No. 108-F3 of June 30, 2008, the order of the Federal Antimonopoly service of the Russian Federation No. 67 of February 10, 2010, rent of non-residential municipal premises, you need to get it right in the auction conducted by district municipality.
  • How to get a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment
    For low-income citizens, young families and families with modest incomes, the purchase of an apartment could help the state subsidy. Housing subsidy is a special state program, which provides targeted assistance to the most vulnerable segments of the population. Also on a subsidy to eligible citizens, who lived in the far North or the districts equated to them.
  • How to obtain the cadastral number of the land plot
    Information about each real estate object on the territory of the Russian Federation included in the State Cadastre of real Estate (GKN). Each object has its own, not repeating in time and for the whole territory of the Russian Federation, the state record, or cadastre, of the room. Assign a cadastral number , the cadastral authority. Cadastral numbers are all land, regardless, you know that their owners, or not.
  • What documents are needed to stand in the queue for housing
    According to article 40 of the basic Law of the Russian Federation, citizens have the right to housing. The provisions of the Constitution act, but for a free flat social norms need to collect a large package of documents and stand in the queue for housing.
  • How to buy a house
    Buying country real estate is a priority of many citizens who already have apartments. The desire to go out of town for the weekend or spend in nature the whole vacation appears in families with young children and people close to retirement age.
  • How to estimate the cost of cottages
    There are many vital cases where it is required to conduct a market assessment of the value of a suburban area. To resolve the issue is to invite an independent expert.
  • How to write a receipt for the apartment
    When renting an apartment it is important as competently to make all the necessary documents to avoid problems in the future. One of the important paper – the receipt of the Deposit and the granting of certain property. How to write it?
  • How best to execute the deed to the apartment
    In the case where the owner of the apartment or house transfers property on a gratuitous basis in the property to another person, it is necessary to issue the contract of donation or deed.
  • As a young family to buy an apartment
    Create young family is always a joyful event. But to live with their parents under one roof, as a rule, the couple has no plans. To rent an apartment is quite expensive, and to buy their own homes is very difficult. The exit from this situation are offered by the Federal program "Young family – affordable housing" and "mortgages for young families."
  • How to buy a house in Krasnodar region
    Nice to have a house in the Krasnodar region! On the one hand the proximity of the mountains and small cool streams, and on the other hand to the Black sea. In the garden grows a dark red, almost black, sweet cherries, walnuts in the fall lie literally underfoot, and potatoes can be planted two times a year – in February and June. If you decide to own land and their house a better place than Krasnodar Krai, hard to find.
  • How to write a grandson from the apartment
    "I want to write to a grandson from his apartment. How to do it?" - topics on various Internet forums is not uncommon today. To give the grandchildren, you'll need to be patient, as it is troublesome and can take a lot of time.
  • How to know the series prefabricated house
    Prefabricated houses started to be erected in our country the 70-ies of the last century, when the idea arose to provide every Soviet family separate apartment. The construction had to be conducted quickly, and housing would become affordable.
  • How to make a Deposit when buying an apartment
    The Deposit is the initial payment for the apartment, confirming the seriousness of the buyer and seller to commit the underlying transaction. The amount of the Deposit can be issued by the preliminary contract, but most often the Deposit is issued the usual receipt, which shall include all conditions in case of failure of one side of the transaction.
  • How to check out whenever I'm in another city
    To be discharged from his former place of residence is in another city, it is not necessary to come to the city, which must be removed from the register. Just contact the passport office at the new place of residence for registration.
  • What is a cooperative apartment
    Citizens rarely encounter the concept of a cooperative apartment, if you compare with the Soviet times. Housing cooperatives (HBC) began to establish in the late 50-ies of the 20th century. This is due to the fact that in the post-war years sharply increased the urban population, and HBC to build housing at the expense of shareholders, thus received a loan from the state for 20 years or other benefits.
  • How to write a man out of his apartment
    There are times when the person owing to various reasons, you need to write out from apartment. The easiest way to do it by voluntary agreement. But you can write it and the order of the court. There are several conditions for the discharge of unwanted household, following which you will be able to convince the court to rule in your favor.
  • How to find a hostel in Moscow
    The cost of buying and renting real estate in Moscow is the highest in Russia and one of the most significant in Europe. Therefore, people are often forced to seek the lowest cost options such as hostels. How to find such a place in Moscow?
  • How to write from an apartment in trust
    In some situations, the person may not be able to appear in person to the passport office for de-registration, e.g. because of employment or absence from the city. In this case, there is a possibility to be discharged by proxy. How do you do it?
  • How to prescribe wife to share
    Share the apartment can be on the basis of common ownership, not isolated in nature or as a percentage. Also, the share between owners can be separated. Check the wife depends, on what ground belongs to you share for apartment.
  • How to revoke the deed to the apartment
    To revoke the deed to the apartment is very difficult, because you need proof that the contract was declared null and void. You need to find irregularities in the process of legalization and registration of the contract of donation. The law stipulates only a few of the reasons why you can cancel the contract of donation, this is dedicated to article 578 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.
  • How to get 10 acres of land
    If you decide to purchase a land area of 10 acres for individual construction or maintenance of a personal part-time farms, you should know that the district, city or regional government can provide the land either free of charge or in the course of the auction.
  • How to determine the area of the building
    Under the General areau built building means the total area of its elements, including floors, attics, technical rooms, stairways, Elevator shafts and others.
  • How to make the property site, designed to rent
    With a plot that is decorated in a lease, you cannot make any legally significant actions. For example, it is impossible to sell, exchange, give, bequeath, because the owner is the district municipality, and legal actions with real estate can only be made by the owner. For the registration of land, decorated in the rent, you need to collect a number of documents, permits, and register property rights.
  • How to build a house on your land
    To build a house on your land plot, you need to collect a number of documents and obtain the construction permit and the construction certificate. The illegal construction is not always possible to formalize, even through the courts, and if the house would stand on some underground lines, it can make clean.
  • How to sell a room in a hostel
    Room in the hostel is largely the same component of the property as a separate apartment. But there are some points arising directly out of the specifics of this option. And not only a lower price. Great importance attaches to the common areas: kitchen, bathroom, hallway, or block - depending on the type of hostel.
  • How to make the purchase of an apartment
    It argued that the purchase of flats – a complex process that is fraught with many different difficulties. In fact, if you have sufficient knowledge, it will pass this process very quickly.
  • How to make money on the resale of apartments
    Modern business is diverse. Sell products, clothing, furniture, development of new projects – all this has long occupied niches. Today, on the wave of popularity has risen and this type of activity as the resale of apartments. And if she do it correctly, it can bring good income.
  • How to give a free ad on sale
    To sell land you can in a short time. To quickly find a buyer quite possible, if not to inflate the market price land ownership and to give as many free ads in different sources of information.