Post the announcement of the sale of land owned, newspaper free classified ads in your city. You need to buy a single issue of a newspaper and call the indicated in her phone. Advertisement you should write and dictate the operator of the newspaper, responding to your call.
Should go further in print editions that are distributed on the territory of the land sold. Newspapers browsing potential buyers of property and land in this area, because there is a chance that your offer will quickly respond to stakeholders.
Handwrite or type on the computer and print several ads on the sale of the site with your phone number in them. Ads should hang out in areas with large concentrations of people also have outlets, bus stops, in villages and residential areas located near the sold land.
Distribute your information on the free message boards on the Internet. To pay for such ads is not necessary, but it is important to follow the expiration of the publication, their website and, if necessary, to extend information about the sale of land.
To the announcement of the sale of land should attach photos of the site in get prettier quality. Also indicate in their information, the location of the site, its size, what condition it is in, what documents to the area you have available. Of great importance, is the site on agricultural land, garden and country or are intended for individual housing construction. Such data also need to specify in the ad.