You will need
- - passport;
- questionnaire;
- - a statement.
To know the number phone of the military unit, contact the local office of the military Commissariat, where there is a Federal database of all military units and existing units. Apply, enter a reason why you want to know the information you need. Present passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation.
If you are not sure where your son is, refer to the Assembly point, where you accompanied your child or relative. You call a number of military unit, from which the recruits came. At the Assembly point there are lists of recruits sent to another military unit. In addition, you will not only get the part number, but a list of phone numbers you can call to get all the information about your son, husband or relative.
When military units tracking down the missing soldier, you have to not only submit a written request and to present their own identity documents, but also to fill a questionnaire that will give you at the office absolutely for free. If you have documents of a soldier, they are also required when handling. Based on your query will give you all the information that is not closed. You will be able to get a room phone , and other information related to the category of open.
If available in your region Committee of soldiers ' mothers to contact directly to the operating organization. The Committee has all the information about all existing military units, divisions, and separate battalions. You will be given a room phone, will help in resolving all the issues raised.
And the last one. Room phone military unit you will be able to know if you use online services official website of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. Only on this website has the most recent information and include the numbers of all military units, divisions, separate battalions. Type in the search engine specified site, then click the link.