The law provides for special circumstances under which the passport is issued within three days. These include death of a close relative, serious illness, requiring surgery or treatment abroad, the need for repatriation of the dead body of a relative. All these circumstances must be documented. You will have to provide medical records, or death certificate, or other paper. No other cases, whether a burning permit or term lucrative contract, valid reasons for expedited processing of documents are not considered.
Please contact one of the special companies involved in the expedited issuance of a passportov. You can find them online through any search engine. This, for example, the sites:, and many others. Page must be placed contact information, including legal address of the organization.
Use the services of only reputable companies and well-established professionals. The passport is too important a document that it needed to save. The office of a large, officially registered, the company must be in the city centre, a fine renovated building. Be prepared for the fact that urgent registration of the international passport will cost you about 12-15 thousand rubles. Lower prices immediately should alert you.
Fill in the form, pay the cost of the passport and wait for the call Manager that will tell you what branch of the migration service, you can get the finished document. The whole procedure takes approximately 10-12 days. More time needed for processing documents to the military personnel and employees of state enterprises. Remember that no legitimate firm will not undertake to draw up an international document person who has an outstanding conviction.