The species and the genus
Before to dream about where exactly to go to serve and to serve if at all, the recruit is to learn what the Russian Armed forces there are types and kinds of troops. It is curious that both in the country in three. Kind of make up RVSN (strategic Rocket forces), the forces aerospace defense and was considered the elite of the army VDV (airborne troops). The types are SV (Land forces), air force (air force) and Navy (Navy), each of which also consists of separate armed forces. For example, tank and mechanized infantry included in the SV, or considered the pride of the Russian Navy marine corps.
In the election game
Theoretically, any Russian conscript has the right to not only dream, but also to choose the kind or species of troops in which he would like to spend the next 12 months. Or more, if at the time of retirement he suddenly has a desire to stay for long service and conclude with the army and his part of the first contract. About this desire, the future soldier must declare a military Commissioner and doctors at the draft Board. And if possible and to argue their position. For example, the identity of the driver or the tractor that would serve in a car or armored troops, a certificate of completion radioshkoly and the direction of corps, the certificate of master of sports in Boxing, a document about making three jumps with a parachute and a dream to go to celebrate in 2015 its 85th anniversary of airborne forces.
Unfortunately, in practice, a lot is not scheduled for recruit scenario: a skydiver and boxer often send in the motorized infantry, and a promising athlete-climber — for the protection of the airfield. In fairness we should admit that not always it happens because of the reluctance or indifference of the military Commissar. More often such misunderstanding is due to a kind of "games" Directorate of the General staff on the organization of the recruiting campaign, whose instructions and executes the Commissar. His contribution to the destruction of the dreams of a potential paratrooper of the sky or the graduate's nautical club on the ship, making the so-called buyers — soldiers and officers from different parts, coming to military commissariats which selects and recruits in its sole discretion.
Rating become!
The official ranking of the best or worst branches of the armed forces, of course, does not exist. But informal as they want. The most prestigious include, in particular, troops, border troops, Marines, various special forces, reconnaissance, Navy. But wanting to get in, even if only for a year, in a construction battalion or Internal forces, with all due respect to them, not too much. However, of great importance, where it is a military unit. After all, there is a big difference in the service on the very far East or in the district of Moscow prospectus World. Choosing the military profession, it is better to focus on the notorious rating, and in compliance with his dream. And if you managed to grow up to two meters, no Marines, no tanks, no divers you, alas, will not get at all desire. And it is naive to expect to become a marine, not knowing how to swim and catch up on the bar.
Gunner Maxim
The most fortunate in terms of the future of call of Russian professional athletes. Once, in the days of the Soviet Union and has enormous authority of the Central sports club of the army, to serve a year or two years in the sports company, appearing there only on oath and transfer to the reserve and continuing to win gold medals at the most prestigious competitions, not even wanted, and dreamed of a Soviet high-class athletes. In particular, and the most famous.
This was due mainly to the fact that officially from military duty they are not exempted, and service in CSKA or its branches in the regions were given a great opportunity not to fall somewhere in Nakhodka or Fergana. And even in Afghanistan. At the beginning of the Russian period in the history of country's sports company was canceled, but recently returned to duty. One of them was even a failed member of the Olympiad-2014 in figure skating Maxim Kovtun from Ekaterinburg. Interestingly, some of the troops he had dreamed in the childhood? Really wanted to be a gunner?