In the construction for cost estimates used are developed and agreed a methodological and an estimate-normative base. It is based on are documents, developed by Gosstroy Russia: a set of rules guiding and methodological documents in construction. These normative developments are used prices as of 01.01.2000 year, which are adjusted to modern prices in correction factors that take into account inflation.
When you use budgeting introduced with effect from 9 March 2004 methodology (MDS 81-1.99) and other MDS and methodical instructions of Gosstroy of the Russian Federation. These normative documents provides an overview of the process of pricing in construction and guidelines for determining its value.
IN MDS 81-1.99), the primary state guidance document, the recommended coefficients that take into account the influence of the conditions of the work. In addition, you can find a single sample estimate documentation and the decoding of the main types of works that relate to other things.
In the total estimated cost will include the costs of construction (repair and construction), the cost of installation work, the cost of used equipment and inventory, other costs. As a rule, construction and installation work be about 46-48% of the total cost estimates, the cost of equipment is 35-36%, other expenses – 17-18%.
Verifying the estimates is not only to determine the correctness of the above calculations, it is necessary for quality control and search for opportunities to replace costly and more economically profitable.
In the analysis and verification of the estimates, to protect yourself from fraud, first of all, pay attention to the actual volumes of work and norms of consumption of building materials. Please note that direct costs are directly associated with the amount of work required resources, cost estimate norms and prices for these resources. In direct costs includes the costs associated with pre-treatment and preparation of certain construction materials and the cost of their transportation to the place of construction works. Overhead costs are determined indirectly as a percentage of the payroll of builders. The estimated profit is determined as a predetermined percentage in the composition of construction products, it is mainly being development of social and industrial contractors.