You will need
- A compass, ruler, pencil, sheet of paper.
Draw a circle. Set a certain distance between the legs of a compass. This distance will be the radius of the circle. Choose the radius so that the tracing of the circle was quite comfortable. The circle should completely fit on the sheet of paper. Too large or too small distance between the legs of a compass may cause it to change while drawing. The optimal distance at which the angle between the legs of a compass is equal to 15-30 degrees.

Build points are the vertices of the angles of a regular hexagon. Set the compasses, in which is fixed the needle at any point on the circle. The needle should pierce the drawn line. The more accurate the compass will be installed, the better the build. Help the arc of a circle so that it crossed the previously drawn circle. Move the needle of the compass to the intersection just drawn arcs with a circle. Draw another arc that crosses the circle. Again move the needle of the compass at the intersection of arc and circle and again draw an arc. Perform this action three more times, moving in one direction around the circumference. Total should have six arcs and six points of intersection.

Construct a regular hexagon. Consistently connect all six points of intersection of arcs drawn with the original circle. Connect the points with straight lines, drawn with a ruler and pencil. After the actions performed will be received a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle.

Avoid accidental changing the distance between the legs of a compass. In this case, the hexagon may turn out wrong.
Useful advice
It makes sense to make a build with a compass with a well-sharpened stylus. So the build will be the most accurate.