You will need
  • calculator, computer
To calculate the factorial of a natural number, multiply all the natural numbers not exceeding this. Each number is counted only once. As a formula this can be written as follows:n! = 1*2*3*4*5*...*(n-2)*(n-1)*n, Gda is a natural number a factorial of which you want to calculate.
0! considered as equal to one (0!=1).With an increase of the argument the value of factorial increases very quickly, so the usual (financial) calculator for the factorial of 15 is it may give an error message.
To calculate the factorial of large positive numbers, take a calculator. That is, the calculator on the keyboard which are marked with math functions (cos, sin, √). Enter to calculator original number, and then click calculate the factorial. Usually, this button is denoted as "n!" or similar (instead of the letter "n" might stand for "N" or "x", but the exclamation mark "!" factorial symbol should be present in any case).
For large values of the argument calculation results are displayed in "exponential" (exponential) form. For example, the factorial of 50 is presented in the form: e 3,0414093201713378043612608166065+64 (or similar). To get the result of the calculation in the normal manner, attribute to the number displayed before the "e" as many zeros as indicated after the "e+" (of course, if enough space).
To calculate the factorial of a number in the computer, run the calculator (standard Windows calculator). To do this, locate its image on the desktop or click on the button "start" and "Run". Then, type in the appeared window "calc" and hit "OK". View: how did you start the program "Calculator". If the picture resembles the ordinary "accounting" calculator, switch it to "engineering" mode. To do this, simply click on the item "View" and select in the list of options the string "Engineering".
After this, repeat the same steps that are listed in the previous paragraph of the instruction - enter the number and press "n!".
"Calculate the factorial of a number is possible without the use of computer technology. To do this, simply print a table of factorials. Since the values of the factorial are increasing very rapidly, it is feasible to only print out factorials of numbers from 0 to 50. However, the practical application of such tables is very doubtful. Firstly, the entry of such multi-digit numbers will take a very long time, and secondly, the probability of entry errors, and, thirdly, it is not clear where to enter such a long number. Neither the display of the calculator or the Excel cell just barely fits so many figures.