You will need
  • Leaf, pen, ruler.
Consider the task (B1). Example: Ballpoint pen costs 40 RUB. What is the largest number of such pens can be bought for 300 rubles after the increase in the price of pen is 10 %? For a start, find out how much cost is ball point pen after the price increase. For 40 divide by 100, multiply by 10 and add 40. New price handles - 44 RUB And now 300 divide by 44. Answer: 6.

Reference (B2). This job you can easily decide on a schedule, just be very careful.

Job (B3). Example: Find the root of the equation 7 to the extent of (u - 2) is equal to 49. First, imagine 49 as 7 in the second degree. Now you have the equation: y - 2 = 2. Deciding it, you will get the answer: 4.
The Job (Q4). Example: In triangle ABC, the angle is 90 degrees, angle A is 30 degrees, AB = the square root of 3. Find the ACE.. Draw on a piece of this triangle, so it will be easier to present it. So, the cosine of angle A = AC/AB. Here you can Express as: AC = the cosine of A multiplied by AB. The cosine of 30 degrees = square root of 3/2. Response: 1,5.
Job (B5). This task you can easily decide, just be careful and read correctly.
Job (B6). To solve this problem, you will need to remember formulas, areas, volumes of various shapes. If you know them, you will get the correct answer.
Job (V7). This is an example with logarithms. To solve it, remember all the properties of logarithms.
Reference (B8). This task will resolve it with graphics.
Reference (B9). Share this job to you, as in the reference (B6), you will need the formulae of areas and volumes.
Reference (B10). Example: the Height at which is located a stone thrown from the ground vertically upward, changing the law h(t) = 2 + 14t - 5 t squared (meters). How many seconds the stone will have a height of 10 meters?. Write down the equation: 2 + 14t - 5t squared = 10. And decide it. You get roots: 2 and 0.8. 2 - 0,8 = 1,2. Answer: 1,2.
Job (Q11). Find the greatest or least value of a function on an interval. First, find the derivative of this function, equate it to zero, find the roots, check that they belong to segment and substitute them in the function itself. So you will find the value of the function.
Job (B12). Here can be a challenge to work together, movement, concentration. Learn to solve such problems.
Part of the problem With more complex. To learn how to solve them, you need to go to the tutor or to resolve them in collaboration with your teacher in algebra.