You will need
  • - the leaves and buds of birch;
  • - herbal teas;
  • - potatoes;
  • - cucumber;
  • - wild rose;
  • - hawthorn;
  • - lemon peel;
  • - corn silk;
  • soda;
  • Sol.
To get rid of facial swelling, take a steam bath. Brew the leaves and buds of birch in a bowl of boiling water. Then rasparte face over it.
With regular appearance of puffiness on face daily and wash with herbal decoction of chamomile, thyme, mint and lime. Or use green tea. If you have no problems with the blood vessels on the face, wipe it with ice cubes from decoctions of these.
To prepare the mask take a raw grated potato or cucumber. Apply a lot of all over the face, do not forget the eyelids. Hold the mask for at least 15 minutes.
If swelling appears in the morning, under eyes, massage the area around them. Do this very gently, without stretching the skin with patting movements of the fingertips. Walk several times on the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the temples, and then on the bottom.
Do not drink at night a lot of fluids and reduce the amount of salty and spicy foods in your diet. Sleep at 8-9 hours a day, often ventilate the room and move more during the day.
Eat more vegetables, fruits, herbs that have a diuretic effect. Very effective in this respect, watermelons, melons, cucumbers, apples, cranberry or juice of these products. Eat fractional: take food 6 times a day. Have dinner three hours before bedtime.
If swelling is the consequence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, you can try this drink. Brew in a thermos equally wild rose and hawthorn, and orange or lemon peel to taste (preliminarily pour over boiling water). Allow to steep overnight. In the morning you can drink, sweetened the drink with honey.
From edema helps the use of infusion of corn stigmas. Pour a dessert spoonful of raw materials Cup of boiling water and allow to stand for three hours. Drink this infusion need a tablespoon every 3 hours during the week.
To reduce swelling take a bath. Add water, a pack of soda and 300 g of salt. The water temperature should be 37-38. Make this a half-hour procedure three times a week.
Swollen feet put them on a small elevation and lie in this position for a little bit. Under the influence of gravity will be outflow of fluid from tired legs.
Make a douche. You can wash the whole body or legs separately. This will quickly remove swelling and strengthen blood vessels.