To start a fight with capillary veins on legs, if you do not realize why they are there, you should visit an endocrinologist, a gynecologist and phlebologist, because the most important thing is to find out the cause vascular problems, after their removal, there is no recurrence.
Try to normalize your weight to reduce the load on the legs. Possible smaller wait, and if you do in the gym, stop lifting weights. But physical activity is absolutely necessary. Suitable for tennis, badminton, basketball, volleyball, shaping, etc.
Before training or long leave on business don't forget on the problem leg to wear compression stocking or bandage it with an elastic bandage. If the asterisk appeared on both extremities, use of compression stockings.
Avoid wearing shoes that doesn't suit you. Prefer comfortable shoes on a low heel.
Refrain from visits to bath or sauna, a Solarium, as well as less happen under the rays of the sun.
To stop the process of the emergence of capillary veins, and strengthen blood vessels. This is very useful will be the introduction in the diet of vitamin P (rutin), or medicines that contains it.
Folk medicine recommends to use for purification and recovery of small blood vessels baths with the addition of turpentine.
Significantly reduce the appearance of veins you can the daily performance of special exercises. From the prone position raise your arms and legs at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the floor and do five minutes of their vibratory movement. Then you activate the blood circulation in the capillaries.
For removal of spider veins microsclerotherapy method is used. At the same time in subcutaneous wreaths injected sclerosant solution, which promotes bonding and resorption of unnecessary vessels.
Another very popular method of getting rid of the capillaries on the legs is a pulsed laser yellow-green light. Selective laser removal of blood vessels is called selective photothermolysis. In this case, the vessel, which operates the laser beam of a certain length, too, as if glued together and disappears. This pulse feels like a faint prick of the needle, the skin is not damaged, there is only a slight and brief irritation.
After laser treatment provide thorough skin care. Apply a special cream or ointment prescribed by your doctor. In the first few days avoid alcohol and aspirin (it thins the blood) and avoid physical exertion. For some time, you need to avoid prolonged sun exposure and protect skin sunscreen. This will prevent the new appearance of spider veins.