You will need
  • hydrogen peroxide 6%;
  • - ammonia;
  • - liquid soap;
  • - greasy cream;
  • - cotton swabs.
Mix a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with five drops of ammonia. Both components can be easily found in almost any pharmacy. Add to the mix literally a drop of liquid soap. It will make the creamy part of why it will be convenient in application. Instead of liquid soap you can use shaving foam.
Apply to the skin, which is in the vicinity of the unwanted hair, any fatty cream. It will protect it from irritation. Before using the composition perestroika itself, and test for allergies. To do this, spread a mixture of your wrist and wait 10-15 minutes. If no reddening is not observed, you can safely use a lightening mixture.
Take a cotton swab and use it to apply the composition to the hair, you want to make invisible. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the lightening mixture with water at room temperature, to which you can add a few drops of lemon juice. If you feel intolerable pain, remove the part ahead of time.
After bleaching apply a nourishing cream. It will quickly soothe irritated skin. The procedure should be done every day to achieve the desired result. Keep in mind that the effect can only be seen after 3-4 sessions. Facial hair will be much thinner and weaker.