You'll need roses of a light shade (best to take the white roses), and food coloring of the desired color. Also prepare glass containers for flowers and clean water.
Dissolve in water food coloring. Add dye so much just to colour the water, but not to thicken its consistency. The tips of the rose stems are cut with a sharp knife or scissors, being careful not to squeeze the barrel. Cutting the stems is needed in order to the color happened faster.
Pour the colored water in the bowl or vase, then put to it rose. Now you need every day to observe the color changes of the petals. The next day you will notice the first results in color.
The stronger the concentration of dye in the water – the brighter the color of your roses. You can also mix different dyes to obtain a new original shades, and then to collect bouquets of painted and common roses, creating fancy combinations.
Having mastered the simple technology of painting roses, then you will be able to paint flowers in several different shades – for example, the rose can be painted with two colors, we split the stem lengthwise into two parts and placing them in different vases, each filled with water of different colors.
In addition, the color of the water in a vase can change on a daily basis – this will give an unusual effect on the petals.
For a uniform and beautiful coloring avoid temperature fluctuations in the room where the flowers always cut the stem before placing the flower into the dye – a fresh cut to better absorb water.