You will need
  • Tobacco leaves
  • Knife
  • The pan
  • A sheet of paper
  • Oven
  • A linen or cotton towel
Take the leaves of tobacco. Tie them in pairs and hang on a rope in a dark, well-ventilated area. Hold in this state for at least three weeks.
The tobacco must be fermented. In large tobacco farms are usually the leaves of tobaccoand for the first fermentation put in stacks of about a meter height and determine into a dark room. But you hardly need so much tobaccoand, therefore, the more appropriate the other way. Gently fold the leaves in a plastic bag. Tie the package tightly and place in the dark. The leaves from green become yellow-brown.
With a sharp knife finely chop the leaves. Cover a baking sheet with a sheet of paper. Pour a thin layer of tobacco and put in the oven to dry. Drying tobacco is necessary at a temperature not exceeding 100°. Tobacco should darken but not burn. Smoking tobacco ready. Store tobacco is better in a porcelain dish or in a cotton bag.
For hookah tobaccoand you need a second fermentation.Cut tobacco so that the pieces were no more than 5 mm. For this purpose you can use a hand grinder. Prepare a sugar or fruit syrup in a weight ratio of 1:1. Pour into it the tobacco and place over night in the fridge. When the tobacco will absorb the liquid, strain through cheesecloth excess moisture. Add honey to achieve optimal consistency, spread the mixture in a thin layer to a porcelain dish and dry during the day. Add a few drops of glycerin and roll the mixture into a ball. Store the resulting mixture in an airtight container.