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- How to calculate the tariffs for electricity The utility bills have become a sore point actually. It seemed, what could be simpler than to pay the received utility bill? However, the practice shows no idea on calculating the totals in the account, you risk paying the wrong amount you have used the services. One of the most difficult to estimate from the point of view of the consumer, the tariff of electricity.
- How to invoice when payment under the contract Currently, the law does not put specific requirements on the clearance of accounts. In fact, this document is your offer to the buyer and will be billed in advance system of RAaccounts for the contract. The invoice you send may not necessarily be paid, unless otherwise provided in the agreement.
- How to determine variable costs In the course of business CEOs spend cash on certain needs. All these costs can be divided into two groups: variables and constants. The first group includes those costs that depend on the volume produced or sold products, the second is not changed depending on the production volume.
- How to make wage The main condition in the employment contract is concluded the employer and employee – wages. As a rule, its amount and order youfee specified in advance. Under labour law, the principal is obliged to pay wages at least twice per month. It is very important to properly execute the issuance of currency amounts.
- How to invoice for a refund The invoice for a refund means a document drawn up upon detection of defects or Nonconformance of the goods purchased through the standards of quality for its further metabolism.
- How to join in inheritance shares Receipt of an inheritance is sufficiently precise and clear legal procedure. However, the inheritance of shares can be some difficulties related to the implementation at the enterprises of action for the protection of third parties.
- How to fill the payment order to the savings Bank A payment order is required to design different types of non-cash payments and payments through the Bank. The Central Bank of Russia created a special unified system, allowing to have a single form, which must be adhered to in the preparation of this document.
- How to issue a payment order to the savings Bank Payment instructions necessary to process a variety of non-cash payments and payments via Bank wire instructions. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation was created a unified system that allows to have a single form for the preparation of this document.
- How to pay for the credit in ROSBANK There are many different credit institutions. In each of them you can repay the loan in completely different ways. Customers only have to choose the most suitable option.
- How to determine the cost of services The cost of services is a monetary measure of the costs that the organization incurred in the implementation of services. This value is the main quality indicator used in the analysis of production efficiency and financial condition of the company.
- How to learn to make the accounting entries In the process of implementing activities the company produces a large number of business transactions that should be reflected in accounting. For this purpose, a special form of accounts and between them are the appropriate transactions. In order to learn how to make the accounting entries necessary to understand what account, credit and debit, as well as to study the Provisions of accounting.
- How to get the money back for the faulty phone No one is immune from the purchase of substandard or defective goods, including buyers of mobile phones. Despite the fact that the means of communication in recent years, gaining increasing distribution, such acquisition has never been cheap. In this regard, laying out a decent phone for the money, very frustrating to know about its malfunction.
- How to Fund your Paypal account without card With the development of Internet technologies are becoming increasingly popular in various electronic payment systems such as PayPal. They allow you not to risk, leaving on unfamiliar websites information about your credit card. Besides, to dispose of the PayPal account, for example, to recharge it, you do not having a Bank card. How do you do it?
- How to calculate payback period The rate of return on investment is a key criterion for the attractiveness of an investment project. The payback period enables the investor to compare different options for the business and choose the most suitable according to his financial possibilities.
- How to play the exchange rate Forex (Foreign Exchange Operations) - the international currency market, where daily millions of committed transactions for the sale and purchase of currencies. It uses exchange rates that are constantly changing, and their change can make good money if you know how.
- How to open a card in the savings Bank Sberbank offers a wide range of cards – debit, credit, social. Social cards for receiving pensions, stipends and allowances. Credit are issued upon registration of the relevant credit products of the Bank. But the most extensive group of cards of the savings Bank card debit. To any of them is easy – you just go to the nearest Bank.
- How to know the account number of the card When you know the card number, to obtain cash and pay bills simply. But then, when you have not yet received the plastic card, you may need the account number, which must inform the person or organization that is engaged on your behalf a transfer of funds. To know the account number card issued to the savings Bank, in several ways.
- How to calculate residual value The residual value of fixed assets (hereinafter OS) mean value of the asset, calculated based on their wear and equal to the original value minus depreciation for the entire period of operation. The calculation of residual value are involved, as a rule, accountants and auditors.
- How to activate the card Russian standard A credit card is a very useful financial tool. Not necessarily to run to friends to borrow money to pay, no need to beg for installments, and you can just pay with a credit card or withdraw from cash. ZAO "Bank Russian Standard" one of the first to send their faithful customers credit card, now they can be issued in the offices of the Bank. To activate the map very easily.
- How to put money on the book To keep money at home under the pillow is not only dangerous but not profitable. A Deposit in a savings Bank will help you not only to protect the funds from fraud, but also to profit as percent from the sum.
- How to make money on the shares of Gazprom OAO Gazprom is the largest energy company engaged in the production, transportation, storage, processing and marketing of hydrocarbons, as well as the production and marketing of electric and thermal energy. Wounds of shares of "Gazprom" consists of two segments – internal and external. The external market is focused on non-residents of Russia, internal – residents. Stock prices in the domestic market below.
- How to send money in the mail Money transfer through Russian post is one of the oldest methods of sending money. However, the relevance of it not only persists, but is increasing due to expanded geographic map service and a greater choice of tariffs. To send money transfer via mail, requires only the identity document.
- How to pay via Yandex-money Payment through "Yandex.Money"is a popular form of payment over the Internet. Holders of e-wallets in the system can purchase the most diverse goods and services, without leaving your computer. Resources working with this form of settlement, the network is sufficient.
- How to find the Bank's BIC Almost every day a lot of people produce cash settlements through the Bank. This does not have to be a businessman. The main types of such operations are: calculation of salaries, pensions, transfer of money from one person to another, etc. That money found its recipient, you will need to specify details of the Bank.
- How to calculate insurance premiums For the calculation of insurance contributions to the pension Fund and for reporting must be verified on the website of the Pension Fund's rate for the current year.In 2011, they amount to 26% for pension insurance and 5.1% for medical insurance.
- How to calculate profitability Profitability is often considered as indicator of the efficiency of the enterprise, that is, the ratio of net profit to net costs. However, in practice the calculation of indicators of profitability compounded by a number of reasons and additional parameters.
- How to calculate the penalty of the refinancing rate of It often happens that the credit agreement provides for a certain percentage or a fixed amount for failure to perform obligations to the Bank. If such parameters are not in the contract, forfeit the Bank has, based on the current rate of refinancing, which is calculated on the basis of a number of indicators.
- How to calculate the availability of own working capital Security own circulating funds is one of the main indicators of financial stability. If the company does not have equity, it means that the formation of current assets, and in some cases part of the non-current, at the expense of borrowed funds.
- How to calculate shipping cost When the need arises to calculate the sum for delivery of any cargo to a certain place, many will be lost. Nothing complicated about it. You only need to stick to a certain plan of action.
- How to calculate depreciation of equipment Under the wear and tear of the equipment mean the loss of its value and performance. It can occur due to many reasons: the aging of equipment, loss of competitiveness etc At the moment, using the latest technology, it is possible to achieve success in the fight against wear and tear, thus prolonged the service life of equipment, but still, this task remains highly relevant.