On the foreign exchange market a lot of players: professional (Central and commercial banks, investment funds, brokerage companies) and private (private individuals or small enterprises). They are all members of one big game called "currency exchange" and trade non-cash currency called dealing ("deal" - deal). So, the goal of a currency trader (player) is to make a better deal. This requires some knowledge, at least basic terminology. With this baggage, you can start the game, but do not forget to have initial capital of at least a few hundred dollars.
Contact a special organization called the dealing Desk. In today's world this can be done through the Internet. There can be arranged the educational process (most likely for a fee) and open a trading account. Banks where to locate your account, are referred to as brokers. When the transaction broker gives a trader the private credit target, the so-called leverage. This amount is 100 times the size of the account. So when you make a deal, then the difference in cents can earn a sum hundred times bigger this difference, but to lose too.
The direction at which foreign exchange market called trend. This concept is easier to represent in a graph, which reflects all changes in exchange rates for a certain period of time. These charts examine the players currency exchanges, analyze and predict where the exchange rate will move in the near future. It depends on how the trader will make a deal. To understand the technology of scheduling, to learn how to predict the direction of the trend, it is advisable to obtain more knowledge than is given in courses dealing centers. You need to constantly improve their own, applying ever-growing experience. Not last in this business is intuition.
You can earn on the purchase and the sale-purchase of foreign currency. That is, the game is performed in two stages. The first stage is called "open position", the second "close position". In the case of purchase-sale of foreign currency you play on increase of rate: buy cheaper, sell more expensive. This trend is called bullish (the market is growing up). If you're selling-buying currency: selling more, buying less, then this trend is called bearish, you play a decreasing rate.
Of course, only the basic terms enough to get started with the currency market, but it's a good start in shaping the overall picture. There are two main types of analysis that are used for trend evaluation: this is a technical (or mathematical) analysis and fundamental analysis. In the first case, the trader uses mathematical knowledge when calculating the trend in the second - economic and political reports, change of personnel (dismissal of senior managers) in financial and analytical firms as well as psychological changes (exposure to other traders in the market). The main elements of both analyses are indicators, i.e. indicators of change.
Every trader must develop for themselves a trading system. It needs to be addressed indicators to be used, types of currency, credit ratings of companies and agencies, providing it and so on. In many organizations, these systems can be created on the basis of software, which greatly accelerates the process.