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- How to fill out a 3-pit for children If you pay for the education of their children, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides you with the opportunity to return a part of spent funds. For this you need to make social tax deduction. It will give provided that your child gets education in full-time education, and he had not yet turned 24 years old.
- How to fill out 3 tax the purchase of an apartment in the mortgage Russian law allowed to provide housing on a mortgage. People who bought an apartment in the mortgage, you can get a property deduction. This is filled in Declaration 3-pit and submitted to the tax office with the documents, the list of which you can specify in the inspection.
- How to find out debt on taxes in Moscow To determine the size and subject of debts on payment of taxes, you can use the "Know your debt" on the website of the FTS of Russia, to call on the phone or contact them personally.
- How to attract money The ability to draw to itself cash flow helps to realize dreams, makes people more independent and free. It is very important to learn this as early as possible to feel successful and to avoid the difficulties associated with the lack of money.
- How to pay by Bank transfer To pay the issued invoice by means of transfer any legal or natural person having a Bank account. For this you need to use the Internet beninga (system "Bank-client") or transfer to the Bank the payment order on paper.
- How to fill out a 3-pit for the sale of property Selling property is not in all cases means the need to pay tax and fill in the Declaration. If it was you have owned for more than three years, filing a Declaration is not necessary. Otherwise, the income Declaration can not be avoided, but it is not as difficult as it may seem. When filling out the Declaration must be borne in mind that it should reflect not only the income from the sale of property and all cash flow for the year tax on income of physical persons (NDFL).
- How to transfer money to a foreign Bank account The volume of international financial operations is growing along with globalization. Actively transferred the money abroad not only international companies but also individuals. But when conducting such operations, it is important to understand their characteristics.
- How to change the form of the accounts in 1C The chart of accounts used in accounting to display the business enterprise, supports multi-level hierarchy: account – subaccount. To allow the user to view the data contained in the chart of accounts, and adjust them, the system 1C allows to change the form of the account. In addition, the printed form of the account can be modified in any other document in 1C.
- How to get the money back from the bailiff Enforcement proceedings by judicial police officers on the basis of article No. 229-F3. To return money to enforcement authorities in that case, if self-collect from the debtor by court order is not possible or to do the repayment of the debt in no time.
- How to write off deferred tax assets In the course of business activities of the organization, namely for accounting, there can be such situation: in the recognition of income or expense amount accounting different from tax. This can occur in the application of different depreciation methods. A so-called deferred tax asset (DTA), which is formed at the expense of the deductible temporary differences. The accountant shall write this IT is at the disposal of the object.
- How to calculate operating profit Operating profit is profit, which is formed due to the difference between the gross profitand operating expenses. All organizations that carry out economic activities, can calculate a financial indicator.
- How to migrate users 1C In most cases under the transfer of databases 1C includes not just the physical movement of the information base by the means of simple copying of folders, and data transfer 1S from one to another database. A special case of this transfer is the migration of the users of 1S.
- How to read an overpayment of income tax If you list in the state budget the amount of money in tax on profits greater than calculated in the Declaration for expired tax period, then the overpayment , you should take note of the standings. To do this, complete the application and submit it to the tax authority, attach the necessary documents. Make an act of reconciliation with the inspection.
- How to charge depreciation at USN Depreciation on fixed assets should be charged according to the rules established in PBU 6/01 and intangible assets in accordance with PBU 14/2000. Despite the fact that the individual beforepriimarily in the transition to the simplified system of taxation write-off of cost not charged with the duty, in its accounting policy must reflect the methods for the accounting of assets.
- How to capitalize the goods without documents The goodsare received by the company without accompanying settlement documents, considered the event of unbilled supply. Materials and equipment whose provider is unknown, not considered to be the event of unbilled, if the original documents contain all the necessary accounting information.
- How to obtain a preferential pension In the legislation of the Russian Federation specifies the list of citizens who can qualify for a reduced pension. To obtain this type of pension is not difficult, important to follow procedure and provide the Pension Fund with all necessary documents.
- How to put money through mobile Bank "Sberbank" Each holder of a plastic card of Sberbank it is possible to connect service "Mobile Bank". It can help to put money on a mobile phone using only a computer connected to the Internet.
- How to fill out receipts for the light To pay for utilities required by legal and physical persons. To do this, complete the appropriate documents, usually a receipt. Its form is approved by the acts of the regional government and contains a number of mandatory details.
- How to restore credit history Taking a decision on granting a loan, banks now pay more attention not on wages, and on the borrower's credit history. It allows you to evaluate the integrity and solvency of the potential client. In this regard it is very difficult to get a loan, having a bad reputation among credit institutions.
- How to take the cumulative part of the pension To use the funded part of pensions at its discretion, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not allow. The only wiggle room that it opens to the future pensioner, the transfer of the money from the Pension Fund into any pension Fund. For this you need to choose one of those funds, to contact their representatives and pass a series of simple formalities. Non-state pension funds promise higher returns. But surely to say that to deal with them more advantageous for many reasons is difficult.
- How to transfer money on the passbook Each passbook regular fixed account, the same as for most banking products. The procedure for its replenishment by direct transfer from another account has no significant features. When translated to him, and any account opened in Sberbank of Russia, in the details be sure to specify the number of the office in which he was open.
- How to block a card of the Bank of Moscow The need to block the card occurs if it is lost or stolen. The sooner you do, the less likely that the rest of it can be exploited. "Bank of Moscow" offers its customers to first call the call center, and then to submit a written application for blocking the card anywhere near his office. Then the map will have to be reissued.
- How to get a Visa card Ease of use of a Bank card, it is difficult to overestimate – it can help not only to obtain ATM cash, but also to pay for purchases in stores and online. There are various types of Bank cards, so the choice should be approached with knowledge of the matter.
- How to sell old money Old money, especially coins, are of immense value for collectors. However, quite often a number came from use of money kept by people not interested in collecting. The best way of using them. In this case there is the probability of obtaining bought quite a large amount.
- How to determine marginal revenue Marginal income – one of the Central elements of an operational analysis. This economic term is used in two meanings: the maximum income and one of the sources of revenue to cover fixed costs.
- How to return money for defective goods To purchase a defective product is always unpleasant. But if you refuse to return the money for it – there's nothing to talk about: the situation is not too good. How to behave, and what documents to prepare to return money for poor quality item did not bring grief?
- How to reflect in accounting 1C At present, almost all organizations use personal computers and various specialized software. The most popular among them is the program "1C: Enterprise", which facilitates the process of bookkeeping. However, many face difficulties in the reflection of the process of acquisition and maintenance of computer software in accounting and tax accounting.
- How to apply for a pension on the card Monthly for seniors, there comes a day that many are waiting for is the day of payment of pensions. Previously, they had to wait for hours at home the cashier or go for obtaining money for themselves and to stand in huge queues. At present, modern banks offer them a very convenient way to receive pension through plastic cards.
- How to get help-account At the present time to arrange the sale of the vehicle by signing a notarized contract of sale or receipt of inquiries-accounts. Bill of sale is a document of strict accountability, which has its own number and series, micro-printed protective watermark. In this regard, it is more secure and it apply for you can only the organizations which have passed obligatory certification in STSI. Also the advantage of reference-the account is that with her at the same time you get the sign "Transit", which will be issued separately in case of the contract of sale.
- How to capitalize the program At present, almost all organizations by the nature of its activities using various software. It can be used for the purposes of the human resources and accounting, automation of production and trade, or regulation of management activities. Despite the wide distribution of programs, a lot of businesses are faced with many challenges in order of their capitalization in accounting.