You will need
  • icon;
  • - Holy water;
  • - amulet;
  • - new Cup.
According to Orthodox traditions to sanctify the dwelling needs a priest. To come to the temple and talk to any priest or by the priest about the possibility of making this rite. This has never been denied, but the time and day of pick up so that was convenient to both parties. During the conversation, also ask what is needed from your side for the consecration of the house, and what will be the amount of donations in the form of gratitude. But even if you have no money, I can not refuse. The size of the donation for the ceremony is usually determined only by your desire and possibilities.
Buy the Church candles, the icon of the Savior, if you have not, and special stickers with the crosses that my father put up on the walls. Usually that's all a priest brings with it, but just in case, and you'd better stock up on them.
Get in the house before the ceremony. Your home should be clean and bright, both literally and figuratively – do not swear on this day and not keep in mind the bad thoughts. If the apartment is placed Souvenirs or figurines from other countries, for example, Turkish eyes, the signs of the zodiac or the figure of the Buddha, remove them too.
Put in the room a small table and cover it with a clean white cloth. Perhaps he will need a priest to put on his clothes for the ceremony.
During the consecration are near a priest. If you know read them a prayer, chant along with him. After the ceremony, thank the priest and, if possible, give a donation to the Church.
When there is no possibility to invite the priest, sanctify the house with Holy water themselves. In any case it will be pleasing to God, but consecrated representative of the Church is no substitute.
Prepare the house to sanctification as described above, and then place the icon of the Savior or the virgin in the corner opposite the door (the red corner). Put it under the lamp. Pour the blessed water into a new clean container, dip it troeperstie right hand and sprinkle the corners of the house, avoiding them clockwise starting from the red corner. During the consecration spell: "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, by the sprinkling of Holy water causing the flight to turn every evil demonic action, Amen." After that, leave the room burning oil lamp until the evening.