Moving from his native city usually has a good reason. Regarding Moscow such reasons can be many, and each person will find a pair of my own. The choice of a new place of residence needs to happen intelligently, because this will depend on your future life.To start with those, would you like to stay in Russia or are determined to go out of the country. This should depend primarily on your work. Well, if she allows you to live in absolutely any place on the planet, but there are professions that are not needed everywhere.Think about the suburbs. The first option is slightly displaced from the center. You will feel more clean air, minimal traffic, reducing the number of people around and many other benefits. Balashikha, Wedge, Fryazino, Moscow region, Zvenigorod, Korolev - all these cities are located not so far from Moscow, and you will always have the ability to change jobs. Of course, time spent will be more but a quiet life for you and your children secured. Change the capital. Another popular option of moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg. If you are willing to part with the atmosphere of a big city, but want more peace and balance that your path lies in cultural capital. Fewer traffic jams of people and cars will give you a deep breath. Think about other major Russian cities - Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk. They are a great alternative to the bustling Moscow. As a departure from the native state should consider, for example, near the Ukraine. The political situation there is stabilized, the economy is on the rise, and the kindness and hospitality of the people is known worldwide. Kyiv and Kharkiv, the largest city in which you will be very comfortable after Moscow. The living standards are high, and prices are much lower than in Moscow.Of course, we should not forget about Europe. If you are a good expert in your industry, you will always be welcome in European countries. Not necessarily choose the capital, a good standard of living and the salary you can get in small towns, have their charms. Whichever option you choose, do not rush to burn bridges. Not to sell the apartment, for a start rent, in a new city clear hired. When you settle down and just decide not to return, will be able to deal with the estate. But until then better not to hurry.
Where to go live from Moscow
The Central city of Russia, more and more acquires the features of other European capitals. One of them is overpopulation and the influx of illegal workers from nearby republics. That is why a growing number of the indigenous inhabitants of Moscow feel the urge to leave it.

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