Contact the state archive - one of the largest archive agencies of Russia. It stores data on soldiers killed in the fighting. Among the structural units under his direct leadership, the number of Russian State military historical archive and the archive of Navy fleet. All their funds are in the public domain. With the available archival materials you will be able to see in the special equipped room. Those who work on the personal statement, are eligible for 5 cases and inventories in the day. At your request, the archive can be made photocopies and microfilms of documents.
Find information about other military archives in the Internet. The Federal archival Agency (Rosarkhiv) has a website where you can find the ' Central archive of the Ministry of defense, the military memorial center of the Armed forces and the Central Navy archive of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation. The website contains contact information for these military archives, call these phones find out and terms of providing information.
Make a request to the Central archive of the Ministry of defense (TSAMO), located in Podolsk. Has records of all military headquarters, formations and units from 1941 to the end of the 80-ies of the last century. Please see this archive in person if you live near Podolsk.
Look for information about a man who did not return from the war, in the data Bank of scanned documents on the so-called irrecoverable losses – HBS "memorial" on the website of the database on the Internet. Type in the appropriate field of the available data on surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, and title of the person. Fields can be filled in not all, in this case, just expand the search criteria. You will see scans of documents, where the mention of people with such data. On the scan document in the nominal list of the next of kin – my wife or parents. This will help you in the search.