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  • How to identify where to call
    It so happens that we received a call from a strange unfamiliar roomand we're not able to pick up the phone, and then wondering, "How do I call"? In fact, there are a few simple ways to learn this information, and absolutely free.
  • How to record conversation with mobile phone
    It happens that during a call on a mobile phone, you report this information, which would be nice to record. But here's the problem – no paper, no pen is not at hand. You can certainly rely on your memory. But if information is too complicated to remember? How to be? Use the recording function of conversation.
  • How to set digital television
    Digital television has become popular only in the last few years, so many cable television and has appeared on the telecommunications market of Russia. Digital TV in Moscow and St. Petersburg – it is not uncommon. However, not every user knows how to tune digital TV. Stores and service centers, in turn, offer their services for setup, which will cost you some money.
  • How to download music on iPhone from a computer
    If recording music from a computer to a normal mobile phone is quite simple connect with a cable, then to work with the iPhone would require a specially designed program.
  • How to repair a thermos
    Many homes have this simple at first glance, the device. A thermos, or Dewar, was at the time, invented for the chemical industry, but today is used in all spheres of life, ranging from chemistry and physics to consumer needs. So what to do if a faithful assistant would be out.
  • What to do when one earphone is not working
    Unfortunately, sales are still no devices that send sounds encoded in the electrical signal directly to the brain. Therefore, this signal is sent to the playback device to the speakers of the headphones, which create vibrations in the air picked up by the membrane in the ear of the listener, and further converted into signals of nerve endings. If one of the headphones suddenly stops to shake the air in the ear of the listener, then the reasons can be several and some of them can be eliminated quite easily.
  • How to use your phone as a microphone
    In our time very common a variety of programs to communicate over the Internet with the ability to hear and see the interlocutor. To work correctly this program requires a webcam and microphone to video and audio communication was two-way. Of course, it is easier to just buy a normal webcam or use a built in laptop MIC, but if it is not at hand, there is a way to solve this problem.
  • How to recover deleted SMS from phone
    Sometimes you urgently need to recover deleted from the phone text messages. This desire usually occurs if the message contained important information, for example, Bank code). Can it be done?
  • How to configure the printer's print
    Typically, the standard print settings provided by default when connecting the printerenough to work with him. But you may need to change the settings. Configure printing printer, selecting the appropriate item in the settings of your computer. Suggested settings for different printers can have a variety of items, but, nevertheless, the General scheme of adjustment of the printing is regular.
  • How to transfer money from Beeline, MTS
    On the official websites of operators "Beeline" and MTS there is information that all transfers from account to account can only be carried out within the network. That is, the subscribers of different companies are unable to send funds to each other.
  • How to track phone via satellite
    Search system person on a cell phone via satellite is becoming increasingly popular. To use this service can not only representatives of law enforcement agencies, but ordinary subscribers. Most importantly, know how exactly works the mechanism for tracking mobile phones through the orbit.
  • How to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg
    To rent a house in the Northern capital is no easy task, especially if you come not to spend money, and make money. I must say that in St. Petersburg and the hotel in the season to settle down not so easy (if you do not take high price segment), but to find affordable housing for the long term, of course, need to be treated more thoroughly. What are the options here?
  • Is it harmful to sleep in the lenses
    Contact lenses are very convenient and popular method of vision correction. But wearing the lenses did not lead to the health problems of the eyes, you need to follow certain rules: every day to clean them, wash and store in a special solution, not to wear in a dusty environment and do not sleep in them at night.
  • Rostest or evrotest: what's the difference?
    In the modern market of mobile phones there are two terms that affect the warranty terms for the purchased goods and the legality of its importation into the country, is the Eurotest and Rostest. What is the difference between them?
  • How to restore the camera's memory card
    Mini memory card used to store photos in digital camera, often fails, which lost all the data on it. Also, sometimes the user deletes information from it's own mistake. In such situations you can recover lost data programmatically.
  • How to increase Internet speed MegaFon 3g modem
    Many users of 3G modems is not very pleased with the speed of Internet access. To increase there are several methods. Unfortunately, some of them require certain financial investments.
  • How to enable printer?
    You purchased the printer. But where to start with the long-awaited technology? To understand the operation of the device is not always easy. Sometimes problems arise even in the inclusion of a new printer. Use the simple tips, you surely will succeed!
  • How to configure Internet on Samsung
    If you want to be able to use Internet on mobile, order your carrier specific settings and save them. By the way, to make it possible for any brand phone and Samsung including.
  • Which company laptop is best
    The purchase of a laptop is a serious event. One need it for work, others for study, and the third to play. What unites them all is the desire to buy quality equipment. So, before you go to the store, you should know which company laptop is best.
  • How to ground the boiler
    Quality of earthing house require all high-power devices. Grounding connect to them via a special contact in the socket and in the plug. Devices also can have special terminal for grounding.
  • How to unsubscribe MTS
    Recently, the mobile operator MTS has started to actively send sms advertising messages, and service messages. Every time when sms is delivered, the battery sits down faster. At the right moment, she can just go off, and the reason is promotional sms.
  • How to disable sending a Megaphone
    In order to advertise the mobile operator "MegaFon" connects its subscribers a variety of subscription (distribution). They are not always free. Below from the account of the owner of the phone was not charged extra cash, such services must be disabled.
  • How to disable weather on the Megaphone
    A service called "weather Forecast in your city" sends subscribers an sms message containing weather information not only on current but also on the following day. For a subscription, the operator will remove the customer's account with 50 cents.
  • How to check incoming calls
    If you are a subscriber of one of the biggest Telecom operators (for example, "Beeline", "MTS" or "MegaFon"), then you can check not only incoming but also outgoing calls, and much more. This opportunity is available thanks to the "bill details".
  • How to configure the modem MTS connect
    In any place and at any time you can get online using the service "MTS connect".For this you need to purchase a kit, which includes a modem and SIM card with tariff plan.
  • How to know the code of the SIM card MTS
    SIM card MTS has two code. PIN and PUK codes – numeric passwords to protect mobile phone. Together with the SIM card they are transmitted to subscribers in a sealed envelope.
  • How to track my phone
    If you have lost a phone, but rather stole it, that's not a reason to go buy a new one. There is still a possibility to return it, modern technologies make it easy to do it. For this you need to know some information about your mobile other.
  • Which video format supports Nokia
    With the development of telecommunication systems a large number of different options for storage and presentation of digital information. There are many different video formats, each of which has its own special properties.
  • How to unlock usb port on the LG TVs
    Some TVs of the brand LG are equipped with a USB connector. In expensive models it is used to playback images, audio and video files. The Junior models use USB as a service connector for firmware updates, as evidenced by the inscription "SERVICE ONLY". This is not a problem, as its unlocking is not difficult.
  • How to configure Internet in MTS network
    Subscribers of the cellular company "MTS" have the opportunity to use GPRS through your mobile phone. But you have to make some adjustments and to enable a special option.