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- How to connect the receiver to the TV Digital television has entered every home, but not every TV can support this format. You need special equipment. The receiver converts the digital video signal received from the satellite, conventional analog, passing it on the TV screen. Connect it to the TV is quite simple and anyone can do. To connect the receiver to a TV, you can use 2 ways.
- How to connect caller ID Caller ID on cell phone – something so familiar that it's hard to remember a time when his work had to pay extra money. However, the determinants of the numbers of landline phones is still not so common, despite the fact that appeared much earlier than their mobile counterparts. The problem of how to connect caller ID, does not exist, if it is embedded in the phone. But if you change the old easy to use machine I do not want, and connect the console-caller ID must have to make a few simple steps.
- How to connect a satellite dish In remote from urban areas can be difficult to configure the TV using a regular antenna, but it is in these places the TV is often the only source of information about what is happening in the country and the world, as well as teacher, counselor and a stable source of entertainment.
- How to connect a headset to the phone Using the headset with your mobile phone is extremely convenient, especially while driving, because it allows you to completely release your hands, and sometimes do not get the phone out of his pocket, using a key receiving a call on the headset.
- How to send mms from your phone The MMS service is supported by almost all mobile operators and allows you to share small files such as images and sound recordings using the GSM channel with the help of mobile phones.
- How to set Internet in the phone If before mobile phones could only make calls, now with the phone you can do much more operations, including working with the Internet. Who were not previously connected to this function, you may not know how to do it.
- How to find the location of the phone The necessity of determining the location of the phone can occur in anyone, and each time the reason will be very respectful. Today, many companies and programs offer you to find a phone in minutes, but not all of them fulfill their promises.
- How to capture a screen There are times when you need to show someone all that at the moment you have displayed on the screen of the monitor. Such a need may arise, for example, when corresponding with technical support, when you can't exactly describe the problem with your computer, and much better would be to show it graphically in the form of pictures. Whatever the reason, take a picture of the monitor screen will not be a big difficulty, especially if you use the guidelines below.
- How to unclog the printer head For home use are more likely to purchase inkjet printers - they are cheap, have high-speed printing, compact and often combine multiple devices. But they have one slight drawback - nozzle printheads can dry out if not use the printer for a long time. To clean the printhead from dried paint can independently at home.
- How to disassemble the column Any product purchased in the home appliance stores tends to deteriorate. Regardless of the device model and country of manufacturer of the equipment have to be taken apart to determine the cause of failure. If you are a qualified technician to repair equipment, the basics of Assembly and disassembly will have to learn from the mistakes of others.
- How to record sound from microphone Each user of a computer ever came up with the idea of recording their voices. Someone takes the decision to practice singing and developing their vocal, someone wants to hear your voice by what it sounds like. In any case, this problem can be solved in different ways.
- How to set digital camera If you are tired of shooting in auto mode and you want to run the process, it's time to explore the settings of your cameraand learn to use them. First and foremost you need to familiarize yourself with concepts such as shutter speed, aperture, exposure, ISO, WB, focal length. And most importantly, to understand how and why to use them. In this article you will know the basics.
- How to know the mileage of the camera Intuitively, the mileage is the degree of deterioration of the camera. Cars it is measured in kilometers. The cameras – the number of shutter clicks. Shutter any camera has its own resources and will eventually wear out. Cameras have easier mileage less than professional. How to know the mileage on your camera? Consider the case of two fotoseventos: Nikon and Canon.
- How to dial to Ukraine Dialing when you call abroad often causes difficulties, mainly related to the order of the international line, and sets the telephone country code. As, for example, to dial a call to Ukraine from your mobile or landline phone?
- How to disable the service "Navigator" Cellular operator "MegaFon" provides a unique service Navigator, using which, you can learn the location of the subscriber. The position is determined using base stations, a signal which takes the moment the cell phone of the subscriber. After plenty of modern technology, many people want to disable this service.
- How to check the score in the Megaphone Urgently need to make an important call, but on account of the mobile phone has run out of money – a problem familiar to everyone. To avoid such trouble, it is necessary to regularly monitor the balance. For subscribers of MegaFon, there are several options for checking accounts. This can be used as a mobile phone itself and other means of communication.
- How to contact Beeline Subscribers of the mobile network Beeline often need advice on a particular issue. Especially for this operator was provided a free service, where the subscriber can ask any questions customer service representative.
- How to record telephone conversation Phone conversations have become so ingrained in our lives that without them, it does not represent neither the leisure, nor, even more so, work. Some conversations seem so important that there is a need for the record. Based on the parameters of the technique used, this can be done in different ways.
- How to choose the size of the TV If you decided to buy a new TV, the first thing you think about is the size of the screen. Indeed, the diagonal of the screen is crucial for comfortable viewing the TV.
- How to increase memory in phone Now almost everyone can afford to purchase a simple cell phone and a mini-computer, smartphone. On smartphones you can install hundreds of apps, play games, listen to music, watch movies... However there is one thing which sooner or later faces every user of a modern smartphone. Out of memory in the phone.
- How to know phone code IMEI – ID personal cell phone. Today, there are two ways that allow you to see the code of the mobile device.
- How to disable the horn on MTS Service Gudok (GOOD'ok) from the operator of cellular communication of MTS is a replacement of the usual tone on the melody while waiting to answer the call. After some time using tunes, some still want to return to the familiar beeps.
- How to remove service "Tone" is MTS Mobile operators of Russia, constantly expanding its range of services. One of the most popular services is the "GOOD'ok" - the ability to replace long beeps waiting for a song or a joke. If you are tired of catchy melodies or "GOOD'ok" was connected to you automatically unsubscribe from services.
- How to connect the camera to the computer No matter how big nor was the amount of physical memory on your camera, sooner or later, it will be filled with video and images. You need to clean it and move everything that you captured on the hard disk of your computer. We will need a special cable and software. All this is included in the kit camera. How to connect the camera to the computer?
- How to contact the operator Mobile phones today are almost fully automated. We replenish the balance through payment terminals, learn about new tariffs and services connected with Internet assistant. But sometimes still have questions in service that resolve will only direct communication with the operator. As a subscriber to contact the operator?
- How to recharge your phone Mobile phones have become commonplace and an essential attribute of modern life. Not a day goes by that we do not receive or have not made a lot of calls or SMS messages. The phone accompanies us everywhere: on a walk, on a trip to the shop or in the barbershop. Its use implies the necessity of constant replenishment of balanceto stay on all the time. But how to replenish the balance of the phone?
- How can I change the tariff Mobile telephony has already become habitual for people of any age and income, is constantly being improved. Operators in the competition for new subscribers is constantly offer them new, more favorable rates, taking into account the specifics of mobile phone calls each. Company MTS offers a new service "Choose tariff", which you can use to familiarize yourself with the new tariffs, compare them with the current and with each other. If you find a better offer, then how to change the rate of MTS?
- How to recover photos on the camera One of the drawbacks of digital photography is that pictures are files that you accidentally delete. Fortunately, to recover deleted photos is possible. Since digital photos are files, and restore them by using data recovery software specially developed for cases of inadvertent or deliberate deletion of files.
- How to send SMS from your phone In our modern life is already difficult to imagine an adult without a cell phone. What can I say, even children and elderly people use mobile communication! SMS is useful because if, for example, not enough balance in the phone call (and, usually, a call is always more expensive SMS), you can use an SMS message. If you can't talk in some situations, but there is no time to wait, or you have lost your voice (which also happens), then again, comes to the aid of SMS. If you are roaming in another country or in another city, where calling is very expensive, then in the SMS message, you can always bring the required text. So, how to do it:
- How to make speakers for your phone Modern phones can easily compete in sound quality with computers, laptops and even compact music centers. All you need is to connect to the phone speakers.