Launch the computer Internet browser. Go to the official website of Apple, iPhone developer at Next, go to the iPod section and click on Download iTunes. On the opened page, specify relevant options and click Download Now. Begin the process download the installation file to install the application. It is necessary to record multimedia data on the iPod and the iPhone.
Double-click the file after downloading it. Specify the location to install the program and wait until the process is complete. After that run the application.
Next make connecting your iPhone to the computer. For this purpose one end of the USB cable to connect to the corresponding Jack on the phone and the other to the USB port of the system unit.
To add music to iPhone in iTunes create a new playlist. To do this, select the menu "File" –> "New playlist". Next, using the interface of the program or file Explorer of the operating system add the window with the created playlist the music files. Wait until they are fully copied.
Then click on the Music tab in the interface of iTunes. Then select "Sync music" and click "Apply". After the process, all the selected music is recorded on the iPhone.
You can create multiple playlists for easy music listening on the iPhone. Exactly the same, as established in the program, synchronization will be created on the phone.
For convenience, sync music, select the iTunes interface on the "edit" –> "Settings" –> "Extras" –> "General". Then next to "Copy to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" check box.