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  • How to glue a Flex cable
    The plume is an important and even an essential component of many mechanisms. Computers cables are used to connect hard drives, optical drives and other nodes to the motherboard. Without loop won't work a mobile phone, because it connects the moving parts and serves to transfer the signal from one part of cell to another.
  • How to download games on PS3
    Download games for PlayStation 3 require you to have special software and finding any disk in the drive. In addition, please note that the old way of running downloaded games on the console (jailbroken) for a long time already are out of date and often no longer supported by many developers.
  • How to check account balance on the "Beeline"
    Check the balanceand may need at any given moment, therefore, one of the largest operators - "Beeline" has created for its customers are some ways that will allow you to find balance not only on his account, but on someone else's.
  • How to know traffic on a megaphone
    To find out information about how much traffic was transmitted during a specific period of time, is not difficult. Traffic can easily be checked using a special software designed for this. If tariff package for Internet access on the megaphone requires payment of MBS traffic, it may be useful.
  • How to return the money for mobile phone
    It's a shame to buy an expensive mobile phone, and after a while to discover there are obvious technical marriage. However, if you find yourself in this situation, you have the right to return the spent money. How to do it?
  • How to return the faulty phone
    By making a purchase, always want to a new device served long and reliably. So it's a shame if suddenly the product is faulty or has defects. This is especially true of mobile phone, which should always be at hand.
  • How to find TV channel
    How channels TV is valid in Russia today? Probably not count. Because in addition to the mandatory nationwide, today 8 there are many other commercial. In addition, each region in Russia now has its own live broadcast, sometimes not alone. Another kind of thematic channels. In Russia there are several, but in the world of their great variety.
  • How to charge ni cd batteries
    Currently, Nickel-cadmium batteries are the main reusable power sources for household electrical and radio equipment, as well as a rechargeable tool (not counting mobile phones, which are generally used rechargeable lithium-ion batteries). The right operating conditions, timely full charge and periodically repeated cycles of full discharge-charge allows you to use a battery over a long time.
  • How to install firmware on phone
    Firmware - the software, ensuring correct operation of the apparatus on which it is installed. Flashing phone may be necessary if the source otstutstvuyut any necessary function, for example, language pack, or if the work is installed the firmware is unstable. For the penfirmware phone you need to follow some recommendations.
  • How to remove protection from your phone
    There are several types of lock which can be faced by the owner of the cell phone - lock SIM card, lock phone and lock the factory by the operator. When you unlock your phone from any of these types of protection should follow one of the recommendations, respectively, with the type of lock.
  • How to connect free Internet for MTS
    In order to use the Internet on your mobile phone, you must obtain and activate a specific configuration. The largest Telecom operators in Russia providing for the ordering of the settings of individual services and rooms.
  • How to order a melody instead of beep
    Vary your communication on a mobile phone and not get bored waiting for the reply of the other subscriber is now possible by connecting any service to replace the horn on a beautiful melody (such services by Telecom operators is set, it remains only to choose and buy).
  • How to activate new SIM card
    When you purchase cell phone the question arises on the acquisition of SIM cards and in some cases and its activation. Although this is a simple process, but some people still have trouble with it.
  • How to find screen resolution of the phone
    Developers of modern mobile phones are trying to give their products maximum compatibility. And the main criterion of compatibility with the specific model is not the amount of RAM and processor frequency, and the resolution of the screen. The correct size helps to run the application with the support of all management functions on the touchscreen devices and allows you to avoid white strips on the edges, stretching or compressing the image.
  • How to make boxes for speaker
    Nice clean sound welcome, not only when writing music, but when listening to it at home, at a party or even in the car. Recently, audiosync indulges us with abundance of grace, which is able to instill a love of quality music. But as we know, costs money. When choosing zvukoizvlechenija equipment necessary to focus on the optimal ratio of price and quality. You can also try to make the box yourself, if you are going to buy some speakers, for example, for the car.
  • How to increase antenna reception
    The quality of television and radio signal does not always satisfy the viewers and listeners. Moreover, interference can be the case even when there seems to be a bigger antenna. In order to improve the quality of reception, the antenna should be configured correctly.
  • How to connect the aerial cable
    Aerial cable is suitable for connecting an outdoor antenna to the access point located indoors. The antenna cable can improve the quality of the received signal. To connect the antenna cable it is recommended to use a special adapter.
  • How to disassemble a wrist watch
    Often the reason for stopping the mechanical wristwatch is the contamination mechanism, the penetration into the body moisture. It is enough to disassemble the watch, clean and grease. That's only required to know exactly how this is done practically.
  • How to upload photos from your phone to a computer
    To download photos from cell phone to computer is not difficult. With the development of technological capabilities of modern mobile phones it is sometimes necessary. It's not always a camera handy for capturing the right moment.
  • How to replace horn Beeline
    To lift the spirits of those with whom you communicate often, you can replace the conventional dial tone in your phone to tune or set of jokes. And then you won't hear irritated or dull the voices of those who could not reach you. For subscribers of "Beeline", this service is called "Hello".
  • How to charge the camera
    Buying a digital camera, people are interested in all the parties. How many megapixels does the screen rotates, is there a live view, etc. Often all these important issues we forget about another equally necessary parts of the camera the battery. It is important to know how many hours can work your battery and how to charge. After purchasing the camera, do not place the battery directly on the charger, as many do. For a start it is necessary "to disperse".
  • How to install Wi-Fi at home
    Sometimes it happens that someone from the family members urgently need the Internet at that time, as you need to complete important work on the computer. The frequent repetition of such situation threatens to escalate into a chronic conflict. However, to prevent a struggle for the place of a computer, you can install wi-fi at home.
  • What is reader and what is it for
    The card reader is a gadget that is designed for convenient reading of information from digital devices. To connect it to your computer, you just need to insert the memory card into the card reader.
  • How to check account at MTS Ukraine
    One of the most frequent questions that arises from new users "MTS Ukraine" is the question: how to check your current score? The mobile operator provides its subscribers several ways to check the balance. For this the user needs to determine which connection method it uses.
  • Which is better:- gps or phone with GPS?
    Tourists, motorists and travelers have the opportunity to facilitate their activities through the use of navigators. Its advantages have gps, and phones equipped with the app mapping. How to implement the same difficult choice?
  • Where to recycle cell phone
    Cell phone - an essential attribute of modern life. But technologies become obsolete, and over time the phone may require replacement. Therefore, it can be taken to where it has an interest.
  • Where to recycle a broken TV
    Breaking the TV is not the biggest problem today, because there are many places where you can donate a broken TV. It all depends on how heavy it breaking.
  • On the phone learn PBX
    For smooth operation of home phone complies with ATS (automatic telephone station). If you experience any problems with the connection, the subscriber can apply to this institution.
  • How to disable ringtone on the Beeline
    The service "Hello", provided by mobile operators, is very popular, including among subscribers of "Beeline". Indeed, the connection timeout is much nicer to hear a popular tune or a funny text. But it also happens that the installed tune is boring, or ceases to hold the cost of the service. And then you have to disable it.
  • How to send money from phone to phone Beeline
    In life there are different situations when a person is unable to immediately replenish your balance on mobile phone. Therefore, many cellular operators have mobile transfer. Because of this your family can transfer money from their accounts to yours (and Vice versa).