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  • How to connect unlimited tariff plan MegaFon
    Megaphone communication for business people, and to make it not only convenient, but also profitable, the operator offers unlimitedlocal tariffs, which vary in cost and can be suitable for an ordinary subscriber, and for the whole staff of a large company.
  • How to unblock a number
    How to unlock room phone when it is lock by operator. Consider two options for unlocking phone numbers: when a number is issued to you and if you are a different person.
  • How to charge a new phone
    How to charge a new phone? If you do not perform this procedure correctly, in the end, the duration of discharge of the battery will be significantly shorter. We have prepared guidance on the proper charging of the new phone, following which you will significantly increase the battery life.
  • How to translate into tone mode
    There are two types of dialing – pulse and tone dialing. Pulse – the old way and set the default to landline phones, and mobile tone. To dial the number quickly, or during a call, enter the extension number you want it to tone mode.
  • How to connect a USB flash drive to the TV
    Modern televisions can not only show the TV broadcast, but also serve as a monitor for a computer, show pictures and play videos. The easiest way to upload your media files to the TV – using a simple flash drive.
  • How to check phone for authenticity without assistance
    Despite the fact that mobile phones today are available to almost everyone, much of it is still imported via the "grey, semi-legal schemes. Often this is due to the fact that the importing company seeks to capitalize on them as much as possible while expending minimal resources. In the end imported so the phone is cheaper but does not have any warranty from the manufacturer.
  • How to register iPhone
    Often, users phones iPhone wish to access from your phone for quality music, games, and videos. The best option is to register your account in the iTunes player.
  • How to choose amplifier
    At the present time firms, types, classes, and power amplifiers – a huge amount.
  • How to check the microphone
    Before using, you should check the microphone, because many of us are not just faced with the problem of incorrect settings. Consider some of the ways to check the health of MIC.
  • How to connect tuner
    When connecting to a TV tuner, you must first completely disconnect the power supply to all equipment. Technical capabilities to pick up the appropriate cable to connect the tuner to the TV.
  • How to adjust the TV
    According to sociological research, the average citizen spends in front of screen of TV is 4.7 hours per day. However, many are not even aware that the picture we contemplate many hours every day, could be much better, and your TV, well suited for demonstration in a shop, are not always optimal for the apartment or house. Although modern LCD or plasma TV is a true masterpiece of technology, to adjust the TV is a snap.
  • How to know phone model
    For those interested in the question of how to know your phone model, private or any other, there are a few solutions to this problem.
  • How to distinguish a Chinese phone from the original
    The market of modern technologies is quite saturated with various models of mobile phones which are updated every year, becoming more complex and multifunctional. However, it is no secret that the Chinese can counterfeit everything, these phones are much cheaper, but do not differ a special quality.