Find out if your area specialized cadet school. The mode of teaching in such schools can be organized on the principle of a boarding school, but there are schools with regular daily training. In addition, cadets can be and girls if their parents sent them to school are of mixed type.
Please note that in cadet school to enrol or to transfer almost the same as in conventional, with the only difference that candidates for admission should have a higher level of fitness.
Find out information about specific schools, go to her website, or by contacting the admissions office. In addition, the cadet boarding schools usually agitate physically strong children-orphans from orphanages to go and enroll in a school, conducting informational interviews with students. In addition to the orphans the benefits of admission are children of military personnel (killed in the execution of the job or employees in "hot spots").
Submit to the admissions office of the school the following documents, if your child goes to 1st grade:
- the statement;
- birth certificate (copy);
- medical insurance policy;
- medical records 026/U-2000 (with the conclusion about the suitability of the child to education in a similar institution);
help from institutions of further education (sections, clubs, studios), if the child did there;
- diplomas and certificates (if any);
- the passport of one of parents (copy);
- extract from the house register or other document confirming the registration of the child (for Muscovites in Moscow and MO);
- copies of documents confirming the status of the family (family of military men, large family, etc.);
- 3 photos of 3×4 cm.
If your child enrolled in grades 5-11, he will have an interview on Russian language and mathematics and pass the exam for physical training, but also be psychological-pedagogical Commission consisting of teachers of the cadet school. In addition to the required documents, you will need to provide report cards, school diary, in which the child was enrolled before enrolling, a copy of the personal records, school medical records certified by the school physician and the Director.