Cadet training is carried out in three directions: implementation of the educational process, educational process and organization of life. These basic components are closely interwoven with the military theme. Military training is held under the guidance of the officers. A deep study of military history and traditions of the state is accompanied by the wearing of a military uniform and certain rules of etiquette, and statutory relations.

All of the above components of military education seem not very natural for girls. Besides teachers and officers, organizing the educational process, mainly take into account the interests of boys, that is, create optimal conditions for the disclosure of their abilities based on their masculinity and paralioi activities.

Order and routine

Girls come to study in the cadet corps at the age of 10 years and taught there until 17. In case girls are six days a week, and the output is carried out at home. The daily routine is strict, adjustments are made rarely. Working day starts to rise at 7 o'clock in the morning, then organized Breakfast and traditional lessons, according to the school curriculum, much attention is paid to physical culture. After school – lunch, then are interests. Girls have the opportunity to do crafts or ballroom dancing. Optionally, you can learn the basics of medicine and ethics. In the evening girls are preparing for the next school day, consult with teachers in the subjects.

Training and education

The process of teaching subjects in the cadet corps is fully consistent with the school curriculum. However, some subjects are studied in greater depth. So, lessons for ladies include the study of two main sections. It's fashion and Economics. Moreover, the Economics are not just attained on a theoretical level: it is the responsibility of the students imputed duty, during which they lay tables for Breakfast, lunch, dinner. The girls clean themselves in the classrooms, bedrooms, MOP the floors. In addition to the classroom work future mistress learned the basics of cooking, learning how to distribute the family budget, to design the interior of the house and even to grow plants.

Pupils of the cadet corps – a fully developed personality. They know how to dance, paint, weave beads and more. To do this, the teachers make every effort and organize diverse study circles work.

You should not consider cadet corps strict regime institution. About things girls do not give to forget. Regularly held balls, which invited the cadets-young men from the neighboring buildings. Meetings. themed evenings invite interesting people, there is active research.