You will need
  • - vertical or horizontal building level;
  • - plumb
  • - protractor;
  • - protractor;
  • - smooth wooden beam of length 1.5 m;
  • laser level measuring ruler;
  • - hydrolevel any marker, peg 2;
  • roulette.
To determine the angle of inclination of the plane the simplest way to use a plumb line, a wooden block and protractor. Put the timber to check the plane. Left hand hold the plumb line at an altitude of 300 – 400 mm. Move the plumb line to the edge of the timber. Reassure the lower part of the slope. The right hand vertically set the protractor with the flat side on the Board. Move the protractor to align the reference point of the protractor with the string of the plumb. Consider the angle of the plane intersection line of the plumb with the scale of the protractor. Get the angle of the plane relative to the vertical. If the desired angle relative to the horizon, calculate it, subtracting from the received angle of 90. This method is use for rough measurements, as it gives a low measurement precision of the angle of inclination of the plane.
More specific the following measurement method. Put the timber to check the plane. On the edge of the beam vertically, check the level. Level keep left hand. The right hand attach the protractor to the sides of the angle. On a scale of protractor think of the angle of inclination of the plane.
The most accurate method, which used laser level. Install horizontally the base level. Turn on the laser head. Measure the level of elevation from the horizontal of the laser beam to the surface of the plane check on the section length of 1 m. When the value of the differential up to 1 m in this area every of 2.22 cm drop close to 1 degree.
High precision of tilt measurement can be achieved using hydrolevel any is a laser level. Measurement hammer parallel to the tilt plane of the two markers at a distance of 1 m. they Mark the horizon with hidrorema. Measure the distance from the labels to the horizon plane. Subtract the larger from the smaller size – get the size of the difference in height at a distance of meters. This value divide by 2.22 and get the angle of the measured area of the plane in degrees.