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  • How to make a cold fire
    Cold fire is a chemical term, denoting a form of low-temperature flame. As you might guess, the main feature of this substance is that it can be touched in the literal sense of the word. I think you saw on the Internet or movie characters drops fireballs. In most cases, it's computer graphics, however, the technology of cold fire is also widely used in television. To create the "miracle" at home easily.
  • When will the next planetary alignment?
    The parade of planets is called an astronomical phenomenon during which several planets of the Solar system come together in a small sector on one side from the Sun.
  • How to calculate interest on a calculator
    To calculate the percentage ofs we have often. For example, to determine the overpayment on the loan or calculate interest on arrears, or to know the gross margins of the company, knowing its turnover and trading margin. Such a lot of tasks in daily life. It would be funny every time to make the proportions and percentages in a column. Moreover, for calculations we do not need a complex programmable calculator.
  • How to calculate growth percentage
    In order to provide information on financial or other numeric indicators in a visual form, it is possible to calculate the percent increase values relative to the previous period.
  • How to draw a regular hexagon
    A hexagon is called a special case of polygon - shapes formed by the set of points of a plane bounded by a closed polyline. Regular hexagon (a hexagon), in turn, is a special case - a polygon with six equal sides and equal angles. This figure is remarkable that the length of each of its sides equal to the radius described around the figure of the circle.
  • How to calculate average speed
    To calculate the average speed is not difficult. To do this, simply divide the length of the traversed path at a time. However, in practice and in solving problems sometimes arise further questions. For example, what is considered to be passed through? The speedometer or real displacement of the object? What is considered travel time if the object is half the time not really going anywhere? Without taking into account all these nuances it is impossible to correctly calculate the average speed.
  • How to find Mars in the sky
    Mars is the outer planet, is the fourth planet from the Sun neighbour of the Earth, has always attracted the attention of astronomers. But to find it, you need to know not only the place of her celestial residence, but also to consider the most favorable time of observation.
  • What is a economic Informatics
    Economic Informatics is an application area of knowledge at the intersection of Informatics, Economics and mathematics. It is an independent discipline that is rapidly developing now.
  • How to determine the percentage of the amount
    The tasks for the interest you have to face not only the students. As a rule, in school assignments, we either need to find a numerical expression of a certain amount percent, or what percentage of something a number. To successfully overcome such challenges, it is first necessary to understand that a percent is a hundredth part of something whole. This whole can be, for example, the sum of several numbers.
  • What is the circumference of the earth
    The circumference of the earth is identified based on the longest parallel is the equator. However, recent measurements of this parameter show that the common view of it is not always true.
  • Rocket fuel is the types and composition
    Propellant is the chemical mixture that is burned to produce thrust in rockets and consists of a fuel and oxidizer. Fuel is a substance that burns in combination with oxygen and releases gas to bring the aircraft in motion. The oxidizing agent is a reagent that allows the oxygen to react with fuel. Rocket fuel is classified in accordance with its aggregate state - liquid, solid or hybrid.
  • What seas wash Russia
    Russia is a great naval power. The total length of its Maritime borders is 37636, 6км. the country is washed by 13 seas, 12 of which belong to three of the world's oceans: Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. Thirteenth – the Caspian is a closed and not connecting with the ocean, strictly speaking, is a lake.
  • How to build a plan accelerations
    The construction plan acceleration is one of the solutions to the problems of the status of links of the mechanism. For such constructs must be defined kinematic diagram of the mechanism and function of its initial displacement (initial mechanism with one degree of freedom) units.
  • Why can't you divide by zero
    Divide by zero is impossible, every schoolboy knows that, but to many it is unclear why. The reasons for this rule can be found only at the high school, and then only if you study math. In fact, the basis of the fact that zero cannot be split, and not so complicated. To find out it would be very interesting to many students.
  • How to translate the atmosphere in the bars
    "Atmosphere" is a unit of pressure that is not a member of the international system SI and is equal to the atmospheric pressure measured at the level of the World ocean. The exact numeric definition this unit has two distinct values, one of which is called "standard" or "physical" atmosphere, and the other "technical" atmosphere. Bar other non-si unit of pressure, used in the national Standards.
  • How to grow emerald
    Emerald – a precious stone of a high class. Some samples of emeralds can cost more than diamond. You can meet emerald in the most exquisite jewelry. Did you know that emerald can be grown at home?
  • How to find the angle between the crossing straight lines
    To determine the magnitude of the angle between the crossing straight lines, you need both a direct (or one of them) moved to a new position by parallel transfer to the intersection. You should then find the measure of the angle between the intersecting lines.
  • How to calculate arithmetic mean
    Higher arithmetic - an important concept used in many branches of mathematics and its applications: statistics, probability theory, Economics, etc. Average an arithmetic can be defined as the General notion of average.
  • How to find the area and volume of a cube
    A cube is a rectangular parallelepiped of which all edges are equal. Therefore, the General formula for the volume of the rectangular prism and the formula for its surface area in the case of Cuba easier. The volume of a cube and the area of the surface can be found, knowing the volume of a sphere inscribed in it, or sphere, described around it.
  • How to temper steel
    Hardening steel as the heat treatment is a complex process and causing internal and not visible to the naked eye changes in the structure of steel. But along with this hardened parts have properties quite visible: increased strength, sharpness, lower susceptibility to wear. It is known that a properly tempered knife blade or the edge of the sewing can successfully replace the glass cutter and store-bought tool sometimes requires "improvement". Surprisingly, with this magnitude of what is happening with the steel changes quenching in Amateur conditions it is possible. But the principle of all (not only home) of the methods of hardening is the heating of steel to a certain temperature and then rapidly cooled. Most affordable 2 way.
  • How to get oxygen
    The value of oxygen cannot be overemphasized. Entering into the cells and oxidizing the organic matter, the release of oxygen provides the necessary energy for life. To ensure a comfortable human life, the content of oxygen in the air should be about 21%, which is not always true. So, residents of cities are forced to breathe air containing less than half the norm. At least to improve the atmosphere of your home, you can use simple ways of getting oxygen in the home.
  • What is variable in math
    The first thing children learn in school algebra course are variables and numbers. Contained in the equations, the unknown variable is usually denoted by an arbitrary letter. When solving this problem it is necessary to find the value of this variable.
  • Alum: as for what to use
    Alum has long been considered the means of solving many problems in the field of health and beauty. Alum is divided into three types depending on their component metals.
  • What trees grow in Russia
    In Russia grows over two thousand species of trees, but few of them are ubiquitous. Softwood is larch and pine, and deciduous – oak, aspen, alder and birch, which became a symbol of Russia.
  • How to find the value of the derivative of the function
    The process of finding the derived function is called differentiation. The same function may, at some parameter value to be derived, while others may not have.
  • How to find the number of electrons in the atom
    The atom consists of a nucleus and its surrounding electronsthat revolve around it for the atomic orbitals to form the electronic layers (energy levels). The number of negatively charged particles in external and internal levels determines the properties of the elements. The number of electronscontained in the atom, you find that knowing some key points.
  • How to calculate area of cylinder
    A cylinder is a three-dimensional figure and consists of two equal bases which are circles and the lateral surface of the connecting line, bounding the base. To calculate the area of a cylinder, find the area of all its surfaces and fold them.
  • How to find frictional force
    Friction – the process of interaction of two bodies, causing deceleration at offset relative to each other. Find force friction means to determine the magnitude of the impact is directed in the direction opposite to the movement, because of which the body loses energy and eventually stops.
  • How to find the side of a triangle
    Side of the triangle is a direct, limited its vertices. All of them have figures of three, this number determines the number of almost all graphics characteristics: angle, midpoint, bisectors, etc. to find the side of the triangle, you should carefully examine the initial conditions of the problem and determine which of them may be basic or intermediate values to calculate.
  • What is lye
    Lye is the alkaline hydroxides, alkaline earth metal and ammonium. These include well soluble in water grounds. The anions OH− and the metal cation formed by the dissociation of alkali.