Determine which kind of atmospheres as a unit of measurement must be used to convert existing values measured in bars. Technical atmosphere is defined as stress caused by a force of one "kilogram force" (kgf), directed perpendicular to the surface of one square centimeter and distributed it evenly. Used in the international system, SI Pascals , this value is equal to 98066,5 units. And one standard atmosphere in the same units is equal to 101325 units and is defined as the force which balances the pressure of 760 millimeters of the mercury column density 13595,1 kg/m2 at a temperature of zero degrees Celsius.
Use a ratio of 1 bar = 1,0197 atmospheres, if you want the result to convert technical atmospheres. If you need to translate the bars in the physical atmosphere, then use a ratio of 1 bar = 0,98692. For example, to translate a pressure of 150 bars, technical atmospheres, this number should be multiplied by 1,0197 (150∗1,0197=152,955). Convert this pressure to physical atmosphere will give a number equal to 148,038 (150∗0,98692=148,038).
Use a calculator for practical calculations. It doesn't have to be a separate device or a software calculator available in the operating system. If you have Internet access, then the easiest way is to use the calculator, posted on any website. Search it is not necessary, as the search engines have built in calculators. For example, you can go to the website of the search engine Nigma and enter the query 150*1,0197" to put 150 bar technical atmosphere. After sending the request to the server get the result: 152,955.