You will need
  • - children's vitamins, lecithin;
  • - "Bifidumbacterin" in dry or liquid form, "Lactobacterin", "Pardofelis", "Bifiform" food additive "Fervaal", "Inulin", BioGaia".
Possible treat dysbiosis of the child under the supervision of a physician as to restore normal microflora there needs to be consistent application of preparations, first of bacteriophages oppressive pathogenic flora, and then contains beneficial bacteria. Moreover, their dosage depends on the degree of dysbiosis, and it can only be determined after laboratory tests.
The most useful drugs to restore the microflora of the intestine are "Bifidumbacterin dry or liquid form, "Lactobacterin "Pardofelis , "Bifiform , food additive "Fervaal , "Inulin , BioGaia . They can be purchased with or without purpose, but when used alone it is worth considering the simultaneous necessity and other methods of treatment of dysbacteriosis.
For recovery of the child after antibiotics pay attention to nutrition, then the shares in the intestine with beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli will be much more successful. 3 months exclude from the diet foods containing colors, flavors, stabilizers, artificial flavor and smell is all candy, gum, chips, crackers, yogurt, packaged juices and carbonated drinks. In addition, do not let your fresh yeast bread, sugar, pasta.
Make the menu from salads and stews, boiled beef, fish, liver, crackers, cereals (except semolina), vegetables. Be sure to give cottage cheese for Breakfast, corn flakes, and at night – kefir or bifilayf. Instead of sugar use to sweeten the honey, provided that it is not allergies. To maintain its own bacteria, give your baby natural Apple juice or cranberry juice.
The treatment of bacterial dysbiosis drugs for 1.5-2 months spend vitamin. It should necessarily include vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, D, in a prophylactic dose and a And E in therapeutic (double) dose, and calcium and selenium.
To improve liver function to neutralize the toxic and chemical substances, as well as the normal formation of red blood cells give your child lecithin. In addition to the strengthening effect it contributes to the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. the Method of application and dosage appropriate to the age, see the instructions for use.
Treatment of dysbacteriosis in children requires a long period of time, and the result depends on the regularity, and most importantly the right approach. Therefore, to restore intestinal flora better on prescription. This is especially important to observe in kids at an early age. For their rapidly growing and developing organism self-medication can be dangerous to your health.