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- How to find out pension Fund To find out contributions made by employers and other tax agents in the past year, you can simply wait for messages from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, popularly known as "the happiness letter". But there is an option to get this information quickly - via the portal of state services or upon request to the Pension Fund.
- How to determine the average annual value of fixed assets The feature of the operation of the basic means is that they transfer their value to the manufactured products gradually, over several production cycles. Therefore, the accounting of fixed assets is reflected so that it was possible to know their initial physical shape and money loss.
- How to make advance payment for goods Prepayment for any goods, service or work is issued advance invoice, which must be filled according to article No. 168 of the tax code. All invoices are documents of strict accountability, and their registration is recorded in the sales book.
- How to put money into an electronic wallet E - money has firmly entered into our life, becoming the best method of calculations in the network. And, increasingly, Internet users concerned about how to recharge your e-wallet? There are many ways, each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.
- How to pay the bill in Yandex.Money By means of system "Yandex.Money, without leaving your computer, to pay any expense. This requires only the account balance in the system is not less than the amount of the payment and the fee charged by the system for each such operation (in 2011, 30 p. regardless of the size of payment) and details of the recipient. Must contain the invoice to you for payment or receipt.
- What documents are required for obtaining a mortgage in VTB 24 Own housing is the dream of every person. But how to buy property if prices steadily rising? This will help you a mortgage.
- How to open a Bank account For conducting the financial activities of any legal person and entrepreneur activities without formation of legal entity (individual entrepreneurs), are required to open a Bank account. The choice of the structure that will be responsible for your operation depends on you. To quickly open a Bank account, in advance, gather the necessary documents and make a claim against the Bank.
- How to withdraw money from Bank cards Currently, Bank cards are extremely popular: they list the salaries, they make payments, transfers, receive and pay loans. The most simple and popular operation of the replenishment cash is withdrawing money from the card.
- How to bill for payment SP The approved form is strictly sample or unified Blanca bills to pay no, because it is not a primary accounting document. But there is certain information that must be contained in the bill mandatory.
- How to make money on the resale For the literate investor, the current companies can be a very good investment funds. Earn money on the resale of ready business can be less risky than the stock market. Even if you will not be able to resell the company at a higher price, it will remain in your ownership, and will be profitable, driven by a hired Manager. Use one of the proposed schemes to generate income from the resale of the investment.
- How to make money on the cultivation of flowers Growing flowers is a lucrative and important business, although most of those sold on the Russian market are imported from abroad. Given that the largest supplier of this delicate product is the Netherlands, where the flowers are grown in greenhouses, it is possible to say that such a possibility will be implemented in the Russian climatic conditions.
- How to send money to China If you have friends or relatives in the people's Republic of China, you are probably faced with the problem of money transfer in this country. Today, there are many opportunities to implement the translation with minimal cost. For example, use a system of Bank transfers Moneybookers.
- How to make a costing for manufacturing The ability to cost for production will be useful at home and at work. When planning the repair of apartments, building a house or manufacturing of baths, you need to calculate the cost of work and quantity of materials.
- How to know how much money is in the account Today, the cardholder can check the balance on your account in a variety of ways. Moreover, some methods allow you to check the account balance without even leaving the house.
- How to take the credit and not to overpay With the beginning of the 2000s years consumer loans are gaining popularity. You can immediately buy needed or just desired a thing, or just to borrow for current expenses. But in the process of repayment of the loan comes the understanding that this banking service have to pay. And often, quite a lot. The next loan I want to take with the minimum overpayment, and sometimes even without it.
- How to act if I lost the money from the card Sberbank An increasing number of people prefer to pay for purchases using cash, a Bank card, it can be purchased in online stores and make online transfers. Also with the era of debit cards has disappeared wages in envelopes, and the amount due the employer can send to Bank account. But, alas, sometimes the money from a credit card can disappear much faster than if they were stored in the wallet.
- How to pay for the phone using mobile banking? Mobile banking – a service that allows you to track the movement of your funds on the credit card, make payment of various services and recharge mobile phone.
- How to get a credit card Bank Tinkoff Bank "Tinkoff Credit Systems" offers the citizens of Russia issuing credit cards without visiting the office, providing information and finding guarantors. Loan terms provide the opportunity to use a limit of 300 thousand rubles and not to pay the interest by repaying the debt within 55 days. If you have a stable monthly income, take advantage of the offer and order the card "Tinkoff".
- How to activate the card of the Bank "Russian standard" With cards of the Bank "Russian standard" it is possible to pay for many services and purchase products with discount up to 30%. Customers of the Bank can always keep track of how much money they spent. "Russian standard" offers many different types of maps.
- How to pay VAT under the simplified tax system The transition to the simplified system of the taxation beforeprinimala means the exemption from the payment of several taxes. It let a little, but raises his income. But the exemption from value added tax does not always play into the hands of such beforeprinimalam: to keep their customers, applying the common system (GTS) they have to issue invoices with allocation of the VAT.
- How to calculate book value of assets Under the carrying value means the value of intangible assets and fixed assets accepted for accounting. It includes the amount of the costs incurred to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, loading and other work, as well as the amounts that shall be paid by the organization for certain consulting services. Not considered recoverable taxes (including value added tax).
- How to reflect the purchase of computer Some accountants provide local organization computer devices become confused. After all, to reflect such purchase accounting is quite difficult. The question arises as to what equipment to reflect: in full or all of the components separately: mouse, keyboard, system unit.
- How to pay the fine, if no current account For payment of fines is most often used as a current account. However, the lack of estimated bills is not a reason to avoid paying fines, as Russian law provides other options.
- How to calculate depreciation straight-line method Depreciation is a mandatory procedure under the tax laws. Under depreciable property means all assets of the company and the results of intellectual activity that belong to him by right of ownership and used to obtain economic benefits.
- How to find the balance in the savings Bank Savings book – a method of producing and the accumulation of funds by individuals of middle and old age. She lists the benefits, wages, pensions, subsidies. It is often used for credit in the savings Bank.
- How to make a plastic card of Sberbank Plastic card of the savings Bank is a convenient tool for making purchases, saving money and managing accounts. Sberbank has the largest branch network in Russia and the largest number of ATMs. Therefore, problems with the removal of their own money should not be. You only have to buy a plastic card of Sberbank.
- How to pay an administrative fine There are a number of offences that are not serious cases, therefore, violators of the administrative code applies. Sometimes, administrative offenders are not serious about the fact that they crossed through the rules, and think that the punishment would only be nominal. However, the administrative punishment is quite real.
- Which banks give loans to pensioners Banks very reluctantly give out the credits to pensioners. After all, these loan programs are different increased risk of non-repayment of loan in case of death of the borrower. However, some banks still offer loans to pensioners.
- How does the Bank statements Today every company and almost every entrepreneur has a Bank account. The transactions it is accompanied by a design and receiving several types of documents, the most important of which is a Bank statement. However, not all aspiring accountants know what she looks like, and what kind of calculations are reflected in it.
- Over what period being audited The period for which verifies from the income tax depends on the type of test. The maximum time that can be recorded in the decision on tax inspection are defined in the Tax code of the Russian Federation.