You will need
  • - documents of the employee;
  • - documents of the enterprise;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - contract with the employee;
  • - the form of the additional agreement;
  • - application form;
  • - the form of orders on staff.
Labor law provides that employers may not take any action, transfer, change of payment without the consent of the employee. With the exception of cases prescribed in the labour code, when, for example, it is impossible to avoid staff reductions in response to certain adverse circumstances.
Thus, the employee prepared a statement. Its essence is to change the mode of work. Prescribed date from which changes payment. A statement signed by the employee, dated. The Director signed the document and sent to the personnel office.
The statement serves as a basis for changing working conditions. Make a supplementary agreement to the contract with the specialist. Install employee payroll in accordance with the remuneration specified in the current staffing by job titles. Transfer from half rate to full does not imply the transfer to another job. This changes the essential terms of the contract. The agreement is stamped, signed by the Director (or other designee), employee.
For personnel service agreement to the contract is enough, but for the accounting Department when payroll needed basis, according to which changes the amount of remuneration of the employee. Make order, use this developed a company form used for administrative documents on personnel.
In the absence of the corresponding form, write the order in any form. Be sure to include the organization name, date, document number, city location of the company. In the administrative parts enter the changing working conditions in accordance with the supplementary agreement. Write the size of the prescribed wages, the personal data of the expert's job title, personnel number. Sign the order signed by the head of the company. Familiarize the employee with the order on receipt.