Before you start applying to College theater, students go through a qualifying round of the creative contest. Future actors will have to show off the skill of the actor, scenic speech, as well as their knowledge of the history of theatre ColloquiumE. For Directors the contest is divided into 4 stages – the skill of the artist, practical direction, orally and in writing, and Colloquium on the history of theatre. If all three rounds of creative competition will be successfully completed, the exams in Russian language and literature.Exam skills assessed the talent of the applicant. Here perform several works from different genres – a poem, fable, prose. In preparing the program, choose those passages that are close to you in spirit that you understand and feel every cell of his body. Rate your effort theatrical role, the program picks up the type. Don't make long passages – one of them will not listen, it is better to prepare several pieces from different works, as the Commission may request to read something else. And most importantly – do not try to Excel. The original passage is, of course, fine, but don't forget about the proximity of the text to your inner world. Sometimes it's better to show a familiar and clear to everyone since childhood, Pushkin, Baudelaire rather than complex or Borges.In addition to the software products, the Commission may be asked to sing an impromptu stage study, to sing, to dance etc. by the Way, in departments such as pop, choreography, musical theatre, dance and vocal are included in the software testing art competition.
After passing the exam on the skill of future actors are allowed to Colloquium and Directors to the examination in the direction. Examination in the direction of consists of a practical exam on directing, writing directing the work carried out in the classroom on topics determined by the examination Committee, and Colloquium.Of course, students of the directing faculty should be familiar with basic theory of directing, well-versed in theatre history (including modern), music, painting, cinema, literature, etc and an Oral exam in directing is an etude on a given topic, it can be any product from the music to the beautiful. To participate in the study the candidate may involve in its scenic effects of other applicants. It is important to find the emotional-figurative expression of the thought that the future Director wants to reveal in the study. At this stage, the Commission examines the creative imagination and taste of the entrant, as well as his initiative and ingenuity. Written directorial work – is staging a plan of the play or one scene, by the decision of the Commission as well as clearly set out on paper a description of the plans of the Director of the art and music design.
The Colloquium is an interview that tests the level of intellectual development of incoming, knowledge, interests, and abilities creative thinking, as well as his aesthetic views and cultural level. For a successful passage is required to freely navigate in the Russian and foreign literature, dramaturgy, theatre criticism, history of directing, and the drama theatre. On the website of the University posted the list of literature, required reading to prepare for the Colloquium.
After completing all three stages of the creative competition entrants are allowed to the examinations in General subjects: Russian language and literature. For applicants who do not have certifications exam, it is conducted in the form of essays.