To enroll in the Polytechnic Institute you need to: submit documents and pass the entrance exam.
Virtually every University requires a standard set of documents: passport, document of the state sample about the average (full) General education, the diploma about initial vocational and secondary education (original) or a photocopy of it and also the results of the Unified State exam.
If you participated in the Olympics for the associated receipt items and took the I, II or III place, grant the diploma of the winner or medalist. This will give you the right to privileges at receipt. In some cases, if you have passed the Olympiad in all subjects and obtained the highest scores, you are eligible for automatic admission without examination.
Those who for any reasons did not pass the exam on the required items the school will be able to pass it in the General stream for admission to the Institute.
The main exams are mathematics, Russian language, physics, chemistry, social studies, history. In some universities the list of required examinations supplemented by subjects such as geography, foreign languages (English, French, German, Spanish), literature, etc.
Coming to some specialties, in particular "Architecture", "architectural environmental Design", "Journalism" provided the opportunity to take some exams in a traditional way. These include: examination of drawing, creative examination, etc.