Very often we don't pay attention to what we have at hand and can serve for creativity, and run to the store known brand for expensive purchase. But it may not be worth wasting money and to start really to do? Here's an example of creativity bracelet from strips of knitted chains, which is ideal for creating bright summer image.

To create this decoration you will need:

1 - knitted fabric, which should be cut into strips of a width not less than 1 cm,

2 - chain (preferably different so that the bracelet looked interesting),

3 - jewelry attachment for connection of the bracelet and clasp,

4 - clasp for a bracelet, glue.

Браслет из старого трикотажа и цепочек

Helpful hint: the Jersey is not necessarily to buy. Use an old t-shirt or a shirt of the right color.

The process of working on the bracelet

Connect one fixture (see item 3 in photo materials) three strips of Jersey and chains and begin to weave a regular braid, dividing the material in such a way that each strand was the knitwear and the chain. Please note that the chain went over the top knit. Try to weave braid tightly, but not too much. The length of the finished braids should be 17-20 cm (the exact size depends on the width of the wrist of the future owner).

Once the hair is fully braided, the second region is also secure in the same mount. To the mount, attach the clasp.

Useful tip: before you snap mount, between the drip stripes knit a few drops of glue.

The bracelet is ready! It can be supplemented with decorative pendants.