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  • How does new social network Medium
    The two founders of the popular microblogging service Twitter has created a new portal that should bring blogging to a new level of development. The platform of online diaries has a lot in common with Twitter, but according to the creators, yet equipped with all the features that are planned. However, the fundamental function of promoting the highest quality content she has already decided.
  • As at Classmates to report a user
    Question about how to report a user in a social network "Schoolmates", becomes relevant in recent times. In the process of popularization of social network appear the scammers who deliver to other users a lot of inconvenience: create page - doubles, sending unsolicited advertising or commit any other acts nasty to other users.
  • What to build in minecraft
    Minecraft – addictive sandbox game, in which you can build amazing buildings and complex mechanisms. Minecraft is fun to play alone and command the servers.
  • How to view the logs
    Operating system Windows 7 every event that happens to one of the files on your hard disk appears in the corresponding document, namely in the "event Log". Launch this app through the management console.
  • How to return the home page
    When you connect the Internet and load your browser can be set as the home page any user-selected website or address. Such properties are all well-known browsers, which is very convenient, especially in a sudden change of the home page.
  • How to pay for the Internet Beeline bonuses
    Thanks to the bonus program "Beeline" you can earn up to 10% of the amount of your payments for services of mobile operator. The period of participation in the bonus program – six months. The first month is the month when the subscriber joins the program.
  • How to log in to the Huawei modem
    To fine tune ADSL modems use their configuration menu. Almost any model of the modem can be configured via this menu, because access is via a single command. To call menu does not necessarily have a connection to the Internet.
  • How to create a website using html
    Today, with the rapid spread of the Internet is increasingly used Web technologies, particularly HTML and standard Web browsers. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) hypertext markup language. This format defines the appearance of the document, the mutual position of the text, graphical and multimedia information. Creating websites engaged in campaigns for very big money. But with the help of "html tags" you can create quite an interesting site with your own hands.
  • How to create a new mailbox in Yandex
    Yandex today is one of the most popular search engines. It also provides a large number of services, including mail. How to have a mailbox on Yandex?
  • How to increase Internet speed MTS
    There are two tariff options for the phone to connect MTS to the Internet "BIT" and "Superbit", assuming unlimited access to a worldwide network at the best price. However, in fact, and in another case there are speed limits of the Internet.
  • How to view deleted page
    All of that is the attributes of our lives, is constantly changing. Something faster, something less noticeable. If the Internet has also become one of the significant attributes of your life, its impermanence, perhaps, should be attributed to the most rapid. Just yesterday at this location was very appropriate page, and today is her message "Error 404. Page not found".
  • How to number pages in excel
    In Microsoft Excel, the page numbers can be stamped on the header and footer of sheets. The rooms can be seen only after printing or in print layout view. Pages by default are numbered starting with one, but the first page number as the order of the numbering may be changed. To add numbers to pages, you can use the dialog box "page setup", or do it in layout view.
  • How to set delayed sending emails
    And in business, and personal correspondence from time to time the need arises to send the email later than the moment of creation. The procedure to configure delayed sending emails is simple, but not all mail services on the Internet provide such an opportunity. In particular, the popular email service does not possess the necessary functionality.
  • What is the difference of domains .su and .EN
    Domain (or domain name) is the name of the resource in the Internet address of the site on which it will come visitors. Domain is a unique and necessary for any resource.
  • How to subscribe Vkontakte
    Recently when you add the user of "Vkontakte" in your friends, you automatically become a member and will stay as long as they will not be accepted your friend request.
  • How to call Classmates
    Good news for users of social networks lovers video - in the "Classmates" now you can not only exchange messages but also to make calls and communicate through web-camera.
  • How to retire from Classmates
    Virtual communication in social networks "Classmates" is a great opportunity to chat with friends, share with them opinions and the latest news, sending messages, sharing interesting links, photos, music and videos. You can also share statuses, add comments to the photo, notes. But sometimes the user wants to completely remove your profile from the site. The reasons can be a lot way one.
  • How to adjust the headset to Skype
    Free program calls, video calls and messaging Skype offers the user several options to adjust the sound. When you first turn the program appears in the test window, check the headphones and speakers.
  • How to download music from the Contact
    Listening to music and sharing with friends is one of the most popular features available in social network "Vkontakte". Unfortunately, to download songs on the computer is initially impossible, so you need to use additional tools.
  • How to find the Internet gateway
    If you want to know the address of the gateway, whereby the Internet connection, or to understand the other connection settings, you need to follow below algorithm.
  • How to close access to the site from a computer
    Termination of access to any site it may be necessary in different cases. For example, parents will want to restrict the download of certain resources for your child or employer you wish to block access to social networks for employees in the office. To achieve your goal you can use one of several ways.
  • How to find out where the site is hosted
    Whois service helping to obtain information about the site and the organization that he was, rarely provides any information about the hosting provider. Comes to the aid of another similar tool - SEOGadget.
  • Why the page cannot be displayed
    With this message are faced by many Internet users. But not everyone understands why this is happening, and trying unsuccessfully to find the answer. Let's take a look and find out why.
  • How to connect a laptop to the Internet via smartphone
    The main part of modern mobile phones, smartphones and communicators has functions modem. This means that these devices can be a link between the computer and the Internet.
  • How to migrate Opera settings
    Despite its low popularity in the world of Internet browser Opera does not lose his fans in Russia. And no wonder – it is not inferior in functionality to its competitors, who are more in favor with advanced users abroad. Given the number of devices to access the Internet, which is the modern man, in all browsers appear function to transfer the settings and other information from computer to computer. Opera in this case is no exception.
  • How to play online with a friend
    More and more people plunge into the game world, and thanks to the Internet, and may even fight each other in virtual battles. Many developers are trying to provide your product, you can play it on the Internet, but because there are websites created specifically for the game process directly in real time, they are called online games. They are browser-based and multiplayer.
  • How to find ISP by ip address
    They say that the Internet is easy to hide, and nobody will know. In fact, it is not. Each transition links, visit any website leaves traces. Even now, as you read this article or write comments, information about your location is not classified.
  • How to send in mail
    This service provides several services. In addition to the mandrel of the letter, it is possible to send message with any attached files. There is a function "letter of notification", which allows to accurately determine whether the email recipient.
  • How to send a letter
    The majority of Internet users regularly exchange e-mails. It is very convenient. The letter comes in electronic form. Delivered almost instantly. To send a letter from anywhere in the world where there is Internet. Sometimes it is important to know if the letter to the addressee, or it is necessary to repeatedly duplicate it. Many mail services provide a service to send a letter of notification. This is when the addressee confirms receipt of the letter. And you get the e-mail notification that the recipient received the letter. How to do it, you will learn in this article.
  • How to copy the entire site to another domain
    When the popularity of free website grows, the webmaster may wish to move it to the second level domain. In this case, it will inevitably face the problem of how to copy the entire site to another domain.