You will need
  • browser;
  • - text editor.
The HTML file is quite simple. Drafting and making changes to the file with any text editor. To view the results using the Web browser. The main advantage of HTML documents is their ability to contain cross references to each other. Cross-references help you quickly refer to a document with additional information on the subject, and then continue with the original text. Any document written using the HTML language consists of page content, i.e. text and control characters tag. Be sure all HTML tags are enclosed in angle brackets . Generally used initial tag and final tag. Final tag differs from the starting stock slash.
To begin creating your site, go to text editor (Notepad).

Next, enter the tags:

HTML /HTML - first and last tags of any HTML document.
HEAD - /HEAD - start and end of document header.
TITLE - /TITLE - specifies the title of the document (the title bar of the browser).
BODY - /BODY - the beginning and the end of the body of the HTML document that defines the content of the document.
Next you need to draw the text. For this you need the following tags:

Hx - /Hx - (x - digit from 1 to 6) describe the titles of six different levels. The title of the first level is the largest, the sixth level is the smallest.
P - /P - describe the paragraph (tag /P can be omitted).
ALIGN - the parameter that determines the paragraph alignment:
ALIGN=CENTER align center;
ALIGN=RIGHT - align right;
ALIGN=LEFT - left-aligned.
BR - the transition to a new line without breaking the paragraph.
B - /B - display text in bold.
I - /I - display text in italics.
U - /U - underlined text.
STRIKE - STRIKE - crossed-out text.
BLOCKQUOTE - /BLOCKQUOTE - display quotes.
SUB - /SUB - display subscript indices.
SUP - /SUP displays Superscript indices.
TT - /TT - font with fixed width characters.
BIG - /BIG - increase the size of the current font.
SMALL - /SMALL - decrease the size of the current font.
BASEFONT SIZE=n - (n is any number from 1 to 7) - base value of the font size.
FONT SIZE=+\n \FONT - change the font size.
FONT COLOR=#xxxxxx - FONT - setting font color: Aqua sea wave; Black - black; etc.
BODY BGCOLOR=#xxxxxx - changes the color of the background.
HR - horizontal line, this tag can use attributes:
COLOR - the color of the line.
SIZE - line width in pixels;
Width - width of line in pixels or percentage of window width;
ALIGN - the alignment of the line;
NOSHADE - drawing without a shade;
SHADE - drawing with shadow.
If you need your website to insert a list, you need to enter tags:

UL - /UL - unordered list (listing, no ordering):
LI - definition list item;
TYPE - the parameter that determines the marker list:
TYPE=CIRCLE - as a marker used circumference;
TYPE=DISK - as a marker point is used;
TYPE+SQUARE - as the marker uses square.
OL - a /OL - numbered list:
TYPE - the parameter that specifies the type of list:
TYPE=A - as numbering list will be used uppercase letters;
TYPE=a - as numbering list will be used lower-case Latin letters;
TYPE=I - as the numbering of the list will be used by large Roman numerals;
TYPE=i - as the numbering of the list will be used by small Roman numerals;
START - the parameter that determines the starting number of the list.
DL - /DL - list with explanations:
DT - symbol list item;
DD - an explanation of the list item.
Ensure your site is not limited to only one page, create several. For the transition you will need hyperlinks, which are determined by the following tags:

A HREF=URL /A - insert links into the document (between the tags, you must enter the link text).
HREF - the url of the page or resource;
URL - uniform resource address: servis://server[:port][/path]:
service - name Protocol (HTTP access to HTML document, FTP file request from an FTP server, FILE-access
the file on the local machine);
server - specifies the name of the resource;
port - the port number on which the Web server;
path - the directory in which the resource is located.
A HREF=#the name of the tab - /A - insert local references (between the tags, you must enter the link text).
A NAME=the name of the tab - /A - set bookmarks to be link.
In order for the site was boring, you need graphic design. Use the tags:

BODY BACKGRAOUND="filename" - sets the picture used as the background.
IMG SRC="filename" - inserts a graphic file in the HTML document, this tag uses the parameters:
ALT="text string" - specifies a text string that is displayed instead of a graphic image, if JavaScript is disabled the automatic loading of graphics;
HEIGHT, WIDTH - the height and width of the image in pixels;
HPACE, VSPACE - the width of space that separates the graphic image of the text both horizontally and vertically;
ALIGN - alignment of text relative to graphics.
And the last thing you need is to save a text file in the format *.html , and then run it using the browser. The site is ready.