This service does not violate human rights to privacy, as it may seem at first. In order for the other person to determine your geographical position, you must consent. But if you can give consent, so you can take it away. In other words, in your hands all the tools to disable this service.
The Navigator service is deactivated by canceling the previously issued permits to determine your location. If you have been issued one permit, and cancel it will not be difficult. Simply send an SMS with the text End 7 xxxxxxxxxxxx at room 1400, 7 xxxxxxxxxxxx where - number of the subscriber you want to issue a ban.
But what if you were given permission to determine your location is not one person, but several, and will not remember who they are. If you would like to issue a ban, only some. In this case, you need to request a list of subscribers who have been issued permits. To do this, send a text Komu in room 1400. In response you will receive a message with the list of subscribers. Select from the list and include this number in the command message cancel permission.
If you want to cancel all previously issued permits, that is, to deny all to determine your coordinates, send an SMS with the text End all to number 1400.