The basic requirements for admission is completed secondary General or vocational secondary education, ages 16 to 24 years old and good physical preparation. If you fit these requirements – you have all chances for admission to the Academy. Please contact reception and write of the application for admission. This must be done not later than 6 months before entrance exams. There you will get detailed information about the faculties and the admission to them.
After filing, the applicant must pass an interview with the Dean of the future faculty and a representative of the personnel Department of the FSB of Russia. Then at the place of residence to undergo a medical and psychophysiological examination in the medical service of the FSB of Russia.
And the last stage of receipt is a written entrance exam. They are held on the curriculum of secondary schools. Persons who have completed a secondary General education, Golden, silver, bronze medal or educational institution of secondary professional education with distinction, you must pass only one exam. When receiving the highest positive evaluation, they are exempt from other exams, and enrolled in the Academyand in obtaining other estimates pass the entrance exams like everyone else. For all other applicants admission to the Academy is on a competitive basis by the number of points obtained during the entrance examinations and the exam.