First, select a Higher educational institution, which provides the opportunity to learn the beloved. If such Universities in the country are multiple, choose the most reliable. To do this, find out how old your school is and what rating it is. Don't miss the point that the specialty can be different in different schools. Look for one that suits you.
If you chose a high school, select a specific specialty. In CIS countries most widely represented with the specialty "Customs payments and customs control". Check the availability of laboratories for customs examination. Be sure to check in non-state institutions, was whether your chosen specialty the state accreditation.
Find out what entrance exams will have to pass. Depending on the University may take either Humanities or exact Sciences (mathematics). Would be a mandatory exam for native and foreign languages. Apply to school, pass exams successfully, and you are already enrolled in the customs office. If you are on a budget, don't forget to pay for school is quite a round sum.
Follow by the second method proceeds in the customs office. It is much cheaper and easier. To do this, look for information about training courses of customs officers. These courses will prepare you on the basics of FEA, basics of customs. Learn to declare, on the basis of the contract, arrange customs control, to fill in the Declaration of customs value and methods of registration and more. Some courses help with employment. Of course, 5 years or more months of study to compare knowledge gained. However, years of practical experience after the course, it can replace a good theory of higher educational institutions.