First and foremost you need to have a degree of candidate or doctor of Sciences and fulfill a number of prerequisites, among which the main are:a)Experience of pedagogical activity in the higher educational institution for at least one year in the position not lower than associate Professor, or research experience in a scientific or research Institute in the position of senior (or master, or chief) scientific officer.b) the General experience of scientific and pedagogical work not less than five years, of which at least three years in the universities or training Created in the last three years (co-authored) textbook, or monograph, or Chapter in a monograph or at least two research or teaching work.g) For the creative or sporting fields: the presence of the honorary title ("people" or "deserved"), or the title of the winner (champion) of the contest, festival or competition level is not below the national. In addition, the applicant must prepare a minimum of two students who received the honorary title or the winners (Champions) level is not below the national.
When all requirements are fulfilled, the Council of the Department or faculty in the University or research unit in the Institute at the request of the applicant prepares the documents that confirm the fulfilment by the applicant of all requirements. The documents (including the recommendation of the Department, faculty or research unit) is passed in the academic Council of the University, scientific or research Institute.
The scientific Council takes the decision on awarding the applicant the academic title "associate Professor" and addresses the High qualification Commission (HAC) for approval of its decision. When the HAC approves the decision of the Academic Council, the applicant receives the coveted title "associate Professor".