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- How to bring down the temperature in cases of poisoning Poisoning is a group of diseases that occurs when ingested poisonous or toxic substances. Most often it is substandard food. Banal symptoms of food poisoning are fever, pronounced pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Body temperature can rise to 40°C. Fever acts in this case as a protective reaction of the organism. However, there are situations when you reduce the temperature, it is imperative.
- How to recognize fungus on my feet
- Who should free IVF According to expert estimates, in Russia more than 500 million couples require in vitro fertilization (IVF). This procedure can be done on a commercial basis in almost every major city. Some patients are entitled to free IVF.
- How to take antidepressants Do not think that medicinal and homeopathic medicines can be used for medicinal purposes, at its discretion, after all, supposedly they are natural and can not cause harm. Such medicines, such as Valerian do not contain chemical components, but have clear indications for use: how much, to whom and when.
- How to treat ear boric acid Boric acid has antiseptic properties. For instillation into the ear is applied in the form of a 3% alcohol solution. Before applying you must obtain a doctor's recommendation to exclude the average and internal otitis, in which the solution is used in an adjuvant with antibiotic drops and pills.
- How to treat elevated bilirubin The level of bilirubin in the blood, a figure which exceeds by 17.1 µmol/l is abnormal and affects the health. The increase in bilirubin is associated with liver disease. Symptoms are nausea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, itching, yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes. For the treatment of elevated levels of bilirubin, above all, measures should be taken to discharge the liver.
- How to withdraw the medicine from the body Any drugintroduced into the human organism, or its metabolites (products of processing), eventually leaving either natural or artificial ways. Sometimes this process is stretched over time, it is sometimes necessary to force, for example, if the patient mistakenly took the wrong medicine prescribed by physicians. Or, "right", but made a mistake with the dosage, taking much more than necessary. In all these cases, you need to print either "wrong" medication, or an excess of "right" from the body. How can this be achieved?
- How to quickly remove alcohol from the blood Excessive alcohol consumption raises questions about how quickly to withdraw from the blood and ease the hangover. This can be done in a medical or home environment using readily available and safe resources.
- Where you can relax in November in Russia Incredible happened – your vacation this year fell on November. Or did not happen, and you planned to coincide with school holidays and quietly, without nerves and bustle, somewhere to relax with the whole family. But where?
- How to wash out the stomach at home Gastric lavage is not the most pleasant procedure. In the hospital this procedure is performed using special devices – the probe and funnel. But to make gastric lavage is possible and in house conditions.
- How often can I take "Diprospan" "Diprospan" - is a drug belonging to the group of glucocorticoids. It has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunosuppressive, antishock and desensitizing effect. The active ingredient is betamethasone.
- What medication can be taken by pregnant cough Being in a state of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to take care of your health. Even a simple cough, in fact, is dangerous and can cause life-threatening baby.
- What pills to drink from nail fungus Fungal infections of nails passed into the chronic form, require the treatment of systemic antimycotic drugs, which kill the pathogenic fungi. Modern pharmacology offers a wide variety of pills from the fungus, but which ones are most effective?
- How to remove the bone on the big toe Bones and various bumps on legs - this is a typical female problem. Why is it not men suffer? Yes, because they are not used to walk on high heels (which often deform the arch of the foot) and less women wear uncomfortable tight shoes (the main thing that was nice). That accounts for the ladies as payback for the beauty to choose a suitable method of removing the growth on his leg.
- How to treat mastitis in nursing mothers Mastitis develops in women after childbirth while breastfeeding and is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the mammary gland. Treatment depends on the nature and stage of the disease.
- How to treat diarrhea in an adult Diarrhea is a fairly common ailment faced by practically everyone. He brings a lot of trouble, but to deal with its symptoms can be quite fast. There are several ways to treat diarrhea.
- How to treat a concussion A contusion is a lesion of the entire body or its parts as a result of sudden exposure to mechanical factors (shock wave, a large amount of sand, etc.). Treatment of acute phase of concussion is made in conditions of medical institutions. Then the patient is discharged home for further rehabilitation, but the consequences of the trauma they are felt for a long time.
- How to get rid of fluid in knee Inflammation of synovial fluid in the knee joint occurs due to trauma, infection or rheumatic disease. Also, the cause of the disease can be allergic or hemophilia. Treatment of synovitis depends on its causes. There are two forms of the disease – acute and chronic. Acute synovitis is accompanied by pain, possibly fever. Chronic disease characterized by periodic accumulation of effusion, mild pain and the development of deforming arthrosis.
- How to determine the composition of a kidney stone. Kidney stones are formed in kidney stones as a result of violations of metabolism in the body. The chemical structure of the calculi are protein, salt and mixed. Define their composition is possible by direct and indirect methods.
- How to get rid of a stone in the ureter The main reason for the development of urolithiasis is a metabolic disorders. That is why the stones in the ureter can be detected at any age. The disease is dangerous the complications, therefore, immediately after diagnosis to begin treatment.
- How to get rid of alcohol dependence Many people are familiar with a problem such as alcohol dependence. The disease is accompanied by physical and psychological dependence from which escape alone can not everyone. In this case, very important is the congenial atmosphere, loved ones near and desire of the alcoholic to get rid of this scourge.
- What to do if the corners of the mouth cracked skin Cracks in the corners of the lips is fairly frequent. This is not only aesthetically pleasing look, but also brings a lot of discomfort. What are the causes of cracks and how to deal with them?
- What is the clitoris Ancient men as companions often chose women with big clitoris. At the time, its substantial size was considered a standard of sexual attractiveness. Modern couples, who know a lot about the caresses of the clitoris, do not give him the value of such a large value.
- How to cure itchy crotch The appearance of the itchy sensation due to slight irritation of the nerve endings that had accumulated in the crotch area in the greatest numbers. Any provoking factor makes scratching an intimate place a secret from others. And the sense of shame felt by man at such moments, may delay the visit to the doctor for fear of confirmation of suspicion for sexually transmitted disease.
- How to gain weight very bad man Most often the problem arises, how to lose weight and to get rid of excess fat. But some people task is just the opposite. What helps to gain weight quickly?
- What is leptothrix Leptothrix, or leptotrichia is an anaerobic gram-negative bacterium that belongs to the family Fusobacteriaceae. It forms a thin thread (trixie) having segmented the ends and thickening in the center. Optimal growth of leptothrix occurs at high carbon dioxide concentrations.
- What is encephalopathy Encephalopathy is called pathological lesion of the brain due to nerve cell death caused by oxygen insufficiency and circulatory disorders.
- How to make ginger tea for colds Ginger tea is an effective treatment for colds. Tea made from ginger root not only warms, but also helps to cleanse the body of toxins, facilitates breathing when you cough and nasal congestion, boosts the immune system. For the greatest therapeutic effect it is important to prepare this drink.
- How does Advil "Citramon" is a combined drug, which belongs to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is composed of acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine, paracetamol.
- Exercises to reduce stomach volume To combat excess weight doesn't always need a strict diet. It is sometimes sufficient to simply reduce the amount of food and to perform regular exercises to reduce the stomach.