The fungus usually appears first on one leg and only after some time on the other. It most often manifests itself as an itching and peeling. Then the affected skin of the foot or sides of the fingers formed small bubbles. They over time burst and form erosion or turn into dry crusts. If the pathogen develops on the feet long enough, the disease affects the nails. They appear yellow spots and stripes. Then the nails become thick and loose, begin to stratify and crumble.
However, it cannot be expected that different fungal species will behave the same way. The most common symptoms of infection different types of fungus are different. So, when dermatophyte for a long time may not be any symptoms. But at this time the fungus is already at their work of destruction.
It happens that the nail fungus is gradually moving from the inner side of the nail plate to the surface. But if he trichotomy, that is, on the contrary, from the surface inwards and gradually causes the detachment of the nail from the nail bed. These fungi do not give the yellow color of the nail plate, and white.
Fungus skin feet sometimes first appears as a small yellow pustules. But if there is infection with Candida (yeast), a very much inflamed spot wrote the nail, the nail plate becomes lighter or greenish-brown, quickly destroyed.
One of the most common fungal diseases is rubromikoz. When it affects the skin and nails. It can be determined to diagnose color. Take the potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and dilute with water to slightly purple. Put in the mortar leg and wait a bit. After some time the healthy part of the nail becomes brownish. But affected by the fungus areas will remain bright.