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  • How to cook the SAP
    Turpentine is a pine resin Golden or dark brown. Is the name of this resin was due to its medicinal properties. It is very well heals wounds and sores, as a natural antiseptic. In addition, it has bactericidal, produces the anasthetic and adsorbent properties. Thanks to the healing properties of its SAP has gained immense popularity among the peoples of Siberia, and is now successfully used in folk medicine all over Russia. Different ointments from the resin can be cooked at home.
  • How to increase testosterone levels in women
    If low testosterone is the view of women changed for the worse. She constantly feels the lethargy, poorly resists stresses. It is inherent in a pale, dull look. You should contact your doctor to determine the cause and get treatment. However, along with medication, you can use the traditional medicine.
  • How to get rid of vomiting and nausea
    Vomiting and nausea are two interconnected symptoms that sometimes occur in the human body. They are provided by nature to protect it from harmful substances. But the reasons causing these phenomena, very much, and not every time the vomiting brings relief. It is often a symptom of some more serious disease.
  • How to avoid chickenpox
    An acute infectious disease of chicken pox, differs from many infections very high degree of contamination. This is evidenced by its title: chicken pox – propagating with the speed of the wind. Another reason for the high transmissibility of varicella in that it does not manifest itself for several days, although the patient at this time is already a source of infection. How can you avoid chickenpox – this question often bothers adults with small children or have not had it in childhood.
  • How to recognize ringworm in humans
    Lichen – not the most pleasant topic of conversation. Therefore, in order not to offend his counterpart questions about the disease, learn the symptoms of different types of lichen, in order to determine how dangerous one or the other.
  • How to treat a sprain hand
    Under stretching hands means a sprain, providing strength to the joint, stability and ability to withstand load. To sprain in turn, include traumatic injury with rupture of the connecting fibers. Their number will depend on the severity of the sprain. Its main symptoms are severe pain, swelling.
  • How to make red brush
    Red brush (other names - Rhodiola tetramerous, Rhodiola four-part, Rhodiola chetyrehmagnitnoy) is an endemic plant, that is, one that grows only in strictly defined areas. It can be found in some areas of the Altai mountains, and nowhere else. The name is derived from its color and appearance, indeed, something resembling a brush. How to use this plant for medicinal purposes?
  • How to lower male hormones
    Male sex hormones are though to be present in the body of women, but within reasonable limits. When the testosterone level rises above permissible levels, women begin to gain weight, they have hair in unwanted places (chest, upper lip). To avoid all negative manifestations of masculinity, it is necessary to undergo treatment.
  • How to get rid of bruises under the eyes
    The bruises we get, hitting about anything. From that blood vessels burst and the blood from them flows under the skin. Over time, the bruises go by themselves, but you can speed up the process by using simple procedures.
  • How to increase testosterone
    Testosterone promotes muscle growth, fat burning, strengthening of bone tissues, the emergence of "iron" erection and constant readiness to risk and adventure. The normal concentration of testosterone in the blood corresponds to the 350-1000 ng/DL. After 40 years a man loses approximately 1% of testosterone a year. Like a little, but by 60 years is threatened by excessive fullness, brittle bones, muscle loss and impotence. Additionally, the lack of testosterone increases the risk of heart attack.
  • How to get an apartment, if the child is disabled
    The appearance in the family of a child with a certain degree of disability involves the provision of additional benefits and the arming of all in solving the housing problem. Of course, the apartment is quite intimidating, as it involves gathering necessary documentation and circulation on various instances.
  • How to treat a cyst of the brain
    Cyst of the brain is a very dangerous diagnosis. To establish the presence of the cyst helps magnetic resonance or computed tomography. A cyst is a bubble filled with liquid, which may be in any area of the skull and cause the patient's specific complaints or asymptomatic. If this diagnosis is selected, it is necessary to implement all recommendations of the doctor and not to refuse surgical intervention.
  • How to increase testosterone without drugs
    Testosterone is the hormone of strength and passion. This is one of the most important hormones associated with energy, courage, youth and enthusiasm. The greater the level of men, the more his impulses and aspirations to take risks, extreme sports and entertainment, and, of course, such men have considerable libido. Women with high levels of this hormone also brave, successful in business. Sometimes, however, it happens that its level is reduced. The article discusses why this occurs and how to restore the level of testosterone to normal.
  • How to identify disease symptoms
    Any illness has a set of specific symptoms, that is signs that it manifests. And in order to make a correct diagnosis, you must first define them. Diagnosis can be difficult, because some precursors may indicate different diseases, there are those that are unique to specific diseases.
  • How to get preferential cure
    Some categories of citizens have the right to preferential medicines, but many of them are unable to exercise their right. The reason for that are endless queues in clinics and the lack of free drugs at the pharmacy. Some beneficiaries give up and buy the necessary medicines at their own expense. And yet, to the medications may need only to show firmness and patience.
  • How to clean lungs from tar
    The residents of cities from time to time recommended for preventive measures to cleanse the lungs of toxins. And light smokers just need removal of tar and toxins. There are ways that will help to cleanse the respiratory system, quickly and efficiently.
  • How to distinguish an Allergy from the sweat
    Allergic dermatitis (allergies) and prickly heat are the skin manifestations of Allergy and arise from the interaction of the skin with allergens and toxins. Externally, they differ from each other by the nature of the rash. Allergy and prickly heat occur, in most cases, in children. Sometimes the rash can also appear in adults.
  • How to remove black eye
    Unfortunately, none of us is immune from this trouble as injuries and consequently bruises. After injury there appears a bruise – purple stain, which gradually becomes lighter. Especially sensitive and thin skin around the eyes, in this place bruises are particularly strong. However, there are many ways that will help you in a few days to get rid of a black eye.
  • How to treat a dead voice
    The effect of dead voices gives the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and larynx. Each of them is rarely isolated, more often it is a manifestation of the same process. The development of this process contributes to hypothermia, as the nasopharynx, and the entire body. Also nasal mucus become inflamed from over-voltage voice, long breath through the mouth, talking in the cold, Smoking, alcohol, hot and cold food. Accompanied with soreness in the throat, a tickle in the throat, pain when swallowing.
  • Eye drops Thiotriazoline: indications and instructions for use
    "Thiotriazolin" is a popular and versatile medication for the treatment of the eye, used to combat various diseases, inflammation, trauma, viral infection. Drops Thiotriazoline" prevents the development of complications and improves the functioning of the eye muscles.
  • How to use Echinacea to strengthen the immune system
    Echinacea is an amazing remedy to strengthen the immune system and enhance the body's resistance to infections. About the healing power of this plant, people knew many centuries ago, and used it as a medicine for various diseases. Due to its unique composition Echinacea helps the body resist disease and increases its strength.
  • What blood pressure is worse for the heart - high or low
    To measure blood pressure is very important, especially when deterioration of General health. If you know your normal values, you can determine any deviations. However, many people still don't know how much pressure to human body is dangerous, so meet inaccurate arguments.
  • How to apply calcium gluconate
    Calcium gluconate is appointed by doctors quite often. It is also particularly important during pregnancy. But just buy a drug and take it, following the instructions is not enough. Need to know how to drink the medicine, in order to bring the body maximum benefits.
  • How to calculate menstrual cycle
    If a woman monitors her menstrual cycle, the beginning of menstruation will never be to her surprise, pregnancy can be determined in the first days of the delay.
  • What to do inhalation nebulizer at a cold
    Among the various types of inhalers through which there is treatment of the nasopharynx, the nebulizer is the most effective. Its advantage is because the medication that is the treatment, using ultrasound to atomize, thus not acting on the parts, and the whole mucous surface of the nose, throat and respiratory tract.
  • What are the dangers of removing edges
    Remove the ribs are usually adopted by people in public, but today, when plastic surgery has become more accessible, women of average means decided on this surgery for a slim waist. It is performed under General anesthesia, because pain is not felt, but to pay for a wasp waist some have the rest of my life.
  • What to do with a broken arm
    A broken arm can be characterised in a complete or partial violation of the integrity of the bone, resulting from mechanical impact. The most common causes of forearm fractures – a fall, a fight, a car accident. Because of this situation, no one is safe, you need to fail to know what to do for fractures of the hand.
  • What are the analogues of the drug "Polyoxidonium"
    "Polyoxidonium" is an immunostimulant drug, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases. In addition, this drug has a broad spectrum of activity and strong antioxidant and detoxifying effect. As a rule, "Polyoxidonium" is well tolerated by humans, does not cause allergic reactions and mutations. However before purchasing you should carefully study the instructions for use.
  • Involuntary muscle contraction: the problem that can be solved
    Involuntary muscle contractions can occur at any time. Twitching of the facial muscles referred to ticks, and muscle contractions all other parts of the body are collectively referred to as hyperkinesis.
  • How to distinguish heat rash from the baby allergic rash
    Allergies can manifest in different forms. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from other diseases. For example, an allergic rash is very similar to a heat rash or irritation from something.