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- All about how to take eggs To donate eggs, you need to fill out a questionnaire and undergo a full medical examination. You must meet the eligibility criteria and have a perfect health.
- That and a check at the urologist Urologist – specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system men, women and children. This doctor treated the appearance of a burning sensation, pain when urinating, blood in urine, incontinence, cramps in the lower back or other unpleasant symptoms.
- What tests need to pass for tuberculosis Methods of TB diagnosis is quite extensive. To make a correct diagnosis, the patient is administered a comprehensive survey, the results of which will help to detect the disease at its earliest stages.
- What tests to pass on Giardia Giardiasis – the disease caused by Giardia. In the upper intestine live vegetative forms that once in the colon, turn into a cyst or spore form and again with the faeces released into the environment.
- How to increase your pain threshold Pain threshold is a measure of patience which can be called the primary terms of the durability of human nature. For each person it is individual, but women are generally more susceptible to pain. From the point of view of the theory of evolution, the threshold of pain is an atavism that has survived to modern man from his ancestors. It is characteristic of all living beings and is in charge of instincts and unconditioned reflexes. But it is possible and necessary to train, if you use some technique. Patience pain as a parameter and the physical and psychological needs to train in both of these planes.
- The look of gums when teeth climb For all parents, the appearance of the first tooth of their baby – a very joyous event. But the period of eruption is accompanied by symptoms that are sometimes alarming and thought-provoking, not sick child.
- How to take calcium D3 Nycomed during pregnancy Calcium supplemented with vitamin D3, is a drug designed to fill the shortage of calcium, the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. During pregnancy may have a lack of these elements, which is manifested by the occurrence of seizures in the extremities, back pain, tooth decay, hair loss.
- What documents are needed to enroll in a prenatal clinic For prenatal visits you need to prepare some documents without which the doctors do not have the right to give the patient any services.
- What to do with aching pain in left breast Aching pain in the left side of the chest is an indirect symptom of various diseases. Cause this pain can angina, intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis. Usually the pain is worse with walking or exercise. Must undergo a medical examination and diagnosis will determine further treatment.
- How to reduce pain in the throat Causes of sore throat can be many, such as the common cold or a strain of ligaments. Regardless of why you have a sore throat, this pain must be addressed. However, immediately to go to the doctors is not necessary. In some cases, to get rid of sore throat you can own.
- What eye drops to drip when working at the computer The syndrome of "dry eye" occurs many urban residents. This is due to computer work, driving, eye strain, conditioned air.
- What is the "hot shot" Hot shot got its name due to the fact that during the procedure the patient feels an intense burning sensation or spreading of heat. A similar effect is given injections of calcium, magnesium.
- Where to buy Shilajit Shilajit is a natural substance that has long been used as effective therapeutic and cosmetic products. It is known that Aristotle treated patients this wonderful product, fast healing even fatal wounds. Today, Shilajit is produced in limited quantities, but sold almost everywhere.
- Why the need for hymen The hymen was given to each woman with specific goals. It is a kind of protective function that protects the sexual organs from the penetration of fungi, infections and other unpleasantness which receptive young age.
- How to count menstruation The menstrual cycle is regular bleeding from the uterus in women who have reached puberty. Women should follow the regularity of menstruation and the duration of the cycle, this can help with a simple calendar.
- What to do when feelings of heart Feelings of heart are often the symptom of arrhythmia. The basis of this pathological condition is a premature contraction of the myocardium (the beat), the resulting excitation of the heart muscle.
- Is it possible to heat the bladder in cystitis Disease cystitisom very familiar, mainly women. At the first appearance of the symptoms of this disease, immediately want to recover and alleviate their condition. The first thing that is usually recommended in such cases is to make warming, that is, to apply a heating pad.
- Weekly menu for rapid weight gain If you need to get rid of extra pounds, but rather to gain weight, use a high-calorie diet. Subject to certain guidelines, you will achieve the desired result.
- What to do if stepped on a rusty nail Rusty exceedingly treacherous, and the injuries caused by their dangerous and can end badly – amputation or even death. However, the majority of Russian people still get vaccinated against tetanus, which helps to significantly reduce mortality from this disease. In any case, a wound from a rusty nail, you can not leave without attention.
- It is possible to treat a cold with antibiotics Many people today, for a rapid recovery in a hurry to swallow another batch of antibiotics. They don't even think much about it, and whether to take such drugs due to common head colds.
- Why neck cracks You must have noticed how often some people up to the stop turn the head to relieve tension in the neck, and thus there is a sound similar to the crunch? The reasons for this are several and almost all of them disposable. But forced neck movement far from safe. They can result in complications such as chronic pain, osteoporosis and even stroke.
- How to distinguish pneumonia from bronchitis For the common cold, people often do not pay attention, saying, have no time to go to the doctors, to heal, itself somehow pass! Or try to treat her with home remedies like hot tea with lemon or raspberry jam. The result is often an inflammatory process descends from the upper respiratory tract at the bottom, capturing the area of the bronchi. So there is the bronchitis. And then, especially if the human immune system is markedly weakened, bronchitis can go into pneumonia – inflammation of the lungs. How can I distinguish bronchitis from pneumonia?
- How to drink water to treat edema Swelling can be a serious problem at any age. Most often, they arise from the fact that the body tries to keep as much water as possible, because he believes that it is not enough. In this situation, drinking less water is a very bad decision.
- What to do if stepped on a nail Trauma of the foot nail can occur in the most unexpected place. It not only deprives a person of freedom of movement for a few days, but also fraught with dangerous consequences. To prevent them is to learn about the activities of first aid.
- What if the bruise does not pass Bruising is an unpleasant phenomenon, especially when they are not in a long time. To accelerate the process of disappearance of the bruiseand it is possible by different means, it is best to use several methods.
- What to do if you are coughing blood Cough is a natural reaction of the body to foreign bodies and germs trapped in the respiratory tract. However, sometimes during a cough produces mucus, mixed with blood. As a rule, intimidating, and leads to terrible thoughts about serious diseases.
- How to remove the gum The gums can become inflamed for a number of reasons, including failure to comply with good oral hygiene and various inflammatory processes, vitamin deficiency, Smoking, taking certain medications. If time does not prevent this process, you can even lose teeth.
- How to choose contact lens solution The use of contact lenses is one of the most common ways of dealing with poor eyesight. However, for these small and incredibly popular fixture really benefited, not cause discomfort when wearing and were for a long period, you must follow all the rules of their use and to choose the highest quality and safest solution to care for contact lenses.
- How to cure the bite of a gadfly If in the summer you are going to go to the nature, it is necessary to provide a meeting not only with mosquitoes, which many in the woods and along the banks of ponds, but from horseflies or gadflies – large grey flies, which bite is very painful. The danger of such a meeting lies in the fact that the substance that he injects into the skin when they bite, is an allergen and can trigger an allergic reaction.
- What pills to drink to lower cholesterol If the test results show you have elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, the most effective and safe way to reduce it is to review your eating habits and diet, reducing the amount of fat. But if the doctor prescribes you pills, you must be aware of the side effects that they have to ask him to justify the appropriateness of their admission.